apes /eɪps/ 1. 模仿的,效仿的 2. 猿的,类似猿的例句:
1. He made apes of us all with his spot-on impersonations. (他通过完美的模仿使我们都成了他的猴子。) 2. The children were pretending to be apes, swinging from the trees. (孩子们假装成猿猴,从树上荡来荡去。)名词:
apes /eɪps/ 1. 猿类 2. 笨拙的人,粗人例句:
1. The zoo has a variety of apes including gorillas and orangutans. (动物园里有各种猿类,包括大猩猩和猩猩。) 2. Stop acting like an ape and behave yourself! (别像个粗人一样,规规矩矩点!)词语辨析:
- apes与monkeys的区别在于前者更接近人类,后者则泛指更广泛的猴类。 - apes也可以用作动词,表示模仿或效仿。词汇扩充:
- ape-like: 类似猿的 - ape-man: 猿人,古代人类与猿类之间的中间形态 - ape behavior: 猿类行为 - ape conservation: 猿类保护近义词:
monkey, simian反义词:
human, human being柯林斯词典:
apes (名词) 1. 猿类 2. 笨拙的人,粗人牛津词典:
apes (名词) 1. 猿类 2. 笨拙的人,粗人用法:
- 作为名词,apes用作单数和复数形式均可。 - 作为形容词,apes用作定语或表语。例句:
- She studied the behavior of apes in their natural habitat. (她研究了猿类在其自然栖息地的行为。)
- The zoo has a new exhibit featuring apes from Africa. (动物园有一个新的展览,展示来自非洲的猿类。)
- The children laughed as they watched the apes swinging from branch to branch. (孩子们看着猿类从树枝上荡来荡去,笑了起来。)
- The researchers discovered remarkable similarities between human and ape DNA. (研究人员发现了人类和猿类DNA之间惊人的相似性。)
- He has the strength of an ape. (他有着猿类一样的力量。)
- She imitated the ape's movements perfectly. (她完美地模仿了猿类的动作。)
- The audience went wild when the circus performer dressed as an ape. (马戏团演员穿着猿类服装时,观众们疯狂了起来。)
- The ape-like creature was spotted in the dense jungle. (类似猿的生物在茂密的丛林中被发现。)
- He was mocked and called an ape because of his clumsiness. (因为笨拙,他被嘲笑并被称为猿。)
- Don't act like an ape, show some manners! (别像个粗人一样,表现出点礼貌!)
- The researcher studied the social interactions among different ape species. (研究人员研究了不同猿类之间的社会互动。)
- She has dedicated her life to ape conservation. (她将自己的生活奉献给了猿类保护事业。)
- The ape-man in the movie was portrayed as a misunderstood hero. (电影中的猿人被描绘成一个被人误解的英雄。)
- The children giggled as they watched the clown imitating an ape's walk. (孩子们看着小丑模仿猿类的走路方式,咯咯地笑了起来。)
- He felt like a trapped ape in the crowded subway. (他觉得自己像个被困住的猿类,在拥挤的地铁里挤来挤去。)
- She observed the ape's facial expressions and body language for her research. (她观察猿类的面部表情和肢体语言进行研究。)
- The ape exhibit at the zoo is one of the most popular attractions. (动物园的猿类展览是最受欢迎的景点之一。)
- The scientist conducted experiments to measure the intelligence of apes. (科学家进行了实验来衡量猿类的智力。)
- He was fascinated by the apes' ability to use tools. (他对猿类使用工具的能力着迷。)
- The ape-like creature turned out to be a rare species of monkey. (类似猿的生物原来是一种罕见的猴子。)
- The ape sanctuary provides a safe and natural environment for rescued apes. (猿类保护区为被救助的猿类提供了一个安全和自然的环境。)