中英词典 - "rummage"
rummage [形容词]:
rummage [名词]:
"rummage" 与 "search" 的区别:
"rummage" 指的是随意地或匆忙地搜索或翻找,通常是为了找到特定的东西,而 "search" 则更加正式和系统化。
与 "rummage" 相关的词汇:
与 "rummage" 含义相近的词汇:
与 "rummage" 相反的词汇:
"rummage" 在柯林斯词典中的解释:
1. 搜寻;翻找
2. 杂货;旧货
3. (船只、飞机等的)检查
"rummage" 在牛津词典中的解释:
1. 搜寻;翻找
2. 杂货;旧货
3. (船只、飞机等的)检查
- I need to rummage through my closet to find a suitable outfit. (我需要翻找我的衣柜,找到一套合适的服装。)
- She rummaged in her bag for her keys. (她在包里翻找钥匙。)
- They had a rummage sale to raise money for charity. (他们举行了一次旧货出售活动,为慈善事业筹集资金。)
- The customs officers conducted a thorough rummage of the cargo. (海关人员对货物进行了彻底的检查。)
- She rummaged through her handbag, searching for her phone. (她在手提包里翻找,寻找手机。)
- He rummaged through the pile of papers on his desk, trying to find the important document. (他在桌子上的一堆文件中翻找,试图找到那份重要文件。)
- I found some interesting items at the rummage sale. (我在旧货出售活动中找到了一些有趣的物品。)
- They decided to rummage through the attic to see if they could find any forgotten treasures. (他们决定翻找阁楼,看看能否找到一些被遗忘的宝藏。)
- The police conducted a thorough rummage of the suspect's apartment. (警方对嫌疑人的公寓进行了彻底的搜查。)
- We had to rummage for food in the empty refrigerator. (我们不得不在空荡荡的冰箱里找食物。)
- He rummaged in his pockets for loose change. (他在口袋里翻找零钱。)
- She rummaged through the old photo albums, reminiscing about her childhood. (她翻查着旧照片册,回忆起她的童年。)
- The airport security performed a rummage of all the passengers' bags. (机场安检人员对所有乘客的行李进行了检查。)
- During the renovation, we had to rummage through boxes and boxes of old belongings. (在装修期间,我们不得不翻找一大堆旧物品。)
- The children had a great time rummaging for Easter eggs in the garden. (孩子们在花园里找复活节彩蛋玩得很开心。)
- She rummaged around in her drawer, searching for a pen. (她在抽屉里翻找,寻找一支笔。)
- They held a rummage sale to raise funds for their school trip. (他们举办了一次旧货出售活动,为学校旅行筹集资金。)
- The police rummaged through the suspect's car, looking for any evidence. (警方对嫌疑人的车辆进行了搜查,寻找任何证据。)
- We spent hours rummaging through old boxes in the basement. (我们花了几个小时在地下室里翻找旧箱子。)
- She rummaged through her wardrobe, trying to find something to wear to the party. (她在衣柜里翻找,试图找到一件适合参加派对的衣服。)
- The customs officers performed a thorough rummage of the ship's cargo. (海关人员对船上的货物进行了彻底检查。)
- He rummaged through his wallet, desperately searching for his ID card. (他在钱包里翻找,拼命寻找自己的身份证。)
- They decided to rummage through the old bookstore for hidden treasures. (他们决定在旧书店里搜寻隐藏的宝藏。)
- She rummaged through the kitchen cabinets, looking for a snack. (她在厨房的橱柜里翻找,寻找零食。)
- The police dog rummaged through the bushes, trying to find the scent. (警犬在灌木丛中搜寻,试图找到气味。)