stiffer 1. 指物体或材料的质地坚硬、僵硬、严实或不易弯曲: - 英文释义:difficult to bend or move because it is rigid or firm - 词汇扩充:rigid, firm, inflexible - 反义词:flexible, pliable - 例句: - The new shoes are stiffer than my old ones.(这双新鞋比我的旧鞋更硬。) - The board became stiffer after it dried.(木板在干燥后变得更硬。) 2. 指人在行为、态度或举止方面缺乏灵活性或不易妥协: - 英文释义:lacking flexibility or unwilling to compromise - 词汇扩充:inflexible, obstinate, unyielding - 近义词:rigid, stubborn - 例句: - The stiffer regulations have led to increased compliance costs.(更严格的规定导致了合规成本的增加。) - He is known for his stiffer approach to negotiations.(他以严厉的谈判方式而闻名。)名词
stiffer 1. 指一个人或动物的尸体: - 英文释义:a dead person or animal - 词汇扩充:corpse, cadaver - 例句: - The stiffer was found in the woods.(尸体在树林中被发现。) - The dog sniffed at the stiffer.(狗闻了闻尸体。) 2. (英国英语)指一个不合群、不友善或难以接近的人: - 英文释义:a person who is unsociable or unfriendly - 词汇扩充:unsociable person, unfriendly person - 例句: - He's a bit of a stiffer.(他有点不合群。) - The new employee is seen as a stiffer by his colleagues.(新员工被同事们视为一个不友善的人。)柯林斯词典
stiffer (comparative) stiffest (superlative) 1. 形容词: - If something is stiff or becomes stiff, it is firm or does not bend easily. - The handle of the racket is made of stiffer material. - ...a stiffer suspension system. - If someone is stiff, their muscles hurt and it is difficult for them to move, usually because they have been exercising too much. - I'm a bit stiff after yesterday's workout. - I knew that if I stopped for a few minutes I'd get stiff. - If a person or their behaviour is stiff, they are rather formal and unfriendly. - She was a tall, stiff, self-assured girl. - The man behind the desk was rather stiff. 2. 名词: - A stiff is a person who is dishonest or who makes a living by dishonest means. - ...a gambling joint that attracts professional cheats and stiffs.牛津词典
stiffer (comparative) stiffest (superlative) 1. 形容词: - (of a person or part of the body) not easily moved; rigid. - I was aching and stiff from the walk. - The limbs of the corpse were stiff. - (of a mixture or substance) not easily stirred or beaten. - The dough should be slightly stiff. - (of a breeze or wind) strong. - A stiff breeze blew up from the southeast. - (of a manner or expression) lacking friendliness or ease; constrained. - She gave him a stiff little smile. - The atmosphere in the room was a little stiff. 2. 名词: - a person who is dishonest or otherwise undesirable. - I don't want to get involved with a bunch of two-bit stiffs.例句
- The new shoes are stiffer than my old ones.(这双新鞋比我的旧鞋更硬。)
- The board became stiffer after it dried.(木板在干燥后变得更硬。)
- The stiffer regulations have led to increased compliance costs.(更严格的规定导致了合规成本的增加。)
- He is known for his stiffer approach to negotiations.(他以严厉的谈判方式而闻名。)
- The stiffer was found in the woods.(尸体在树林中被发现。)
- The dog sniffed at the stiffer.(狗闻了闻尸体。)
- He's a bit of a stiffer.(他有点不合群。)
- The new employee is seen as a stiffer by his colleagues.(新员工被同事们视为一个不友善的人。)
- The handle of the racket is made of stiffer material.(球拍的手柄是由更硬的材料制成的。)
- ...a stiffer suspension system.(更硬的悬挂系统。)
- I'm a bit stiff after yesterday's workout.(昨天的锻炼后我有点酸痛。)
- I knew that if I stopped for a few minutes I'd get stiff.(我知道如果停下来几分钟就会变僵硬。)
- She was a tall, stiff, self-assured girl.(她是个高个子、严肃、自信的女孩。)
- The man behind the desk was rather stiff.(桌子后面的那个人相当拘谨。)
- ...a gambling joint that attracts professional cheats and stiffs.(一个吸引职业骗子和赌博骗子的赌场。)
- I was aching and stiff from the walk.(我因为走路而感到疼痛和僵硬。)
- The limbs of the corpse were stiff.(尸体的四肢僵硬。)
- The dough should be slightly stiff.(面团应该稍微硬一点。)
- A stiff breeze blew up from the southeast.(来自东南方的一阵大风刮了起来。)
- She gave him a stiff little smile.(她给了他一个勉强的微笑。)
- The atmosphere in the room was a little stiff.(房间里的气氛有点拘谨。)
- I don't want to get involved with a bunch of two-bit stiffs.(我不想和一帮不入流的人扯上关系。)