1. 形容词
land /lænd/ (形容词) 1. pertaining to or consisting of land: - Example: The land area of the country is vast. 这个国家的陆地面积广阔。 2. pertaining to, suitable for, or promoting agriculture or farming: - Example: The land reform policy aims to improve the living conditions of farmers. 土地改革政策旨在改善农民的生活条件。2. 名词
land /lænd/ (名词) 1. the solid ground of the earth's surface: - Example: They walked across the land to reach the river. 他们步行穿过陆地到达河边。 2. any part of the earth's surface not covered by a body of water: - Example: She prefers living near the coast rather than inland. 她更喜欢住在海岸附近,而不是内陆地区。 3. a country or region: - Example: He returned to his native land after many years abroad. 他在国外多年后回到了故乡。 4. a realm or domain: - Example: The land of dreams and fantasies. 幻想和梦境之地。 5. property or real estate: - Example: They invested their money in land. 他们用钱投资了房地产。 6. the people of a country or region: - Example: The land rejoiced at the end of the war. 国家为战争结束而欢欣鼓舞。 7. a rural or agricultural area: - Example: They moved to the land to start a farm. 他们搬到农村开办农场。3. 词语辨析
- land vs. soil: - Land refers to the solid ground or earth's surface in general, whereas soil specifically refers to the upper layer of the earth's surface that supports plant growth. - Example: The land was fertile, with rich soil suitable for farming. 这片土地肥沃,土壤适合农耕。4. 词汇扩充
- homeland: one's native or own country - Example: He longed to return to his homeland and be reunited with his family. 他渴望返回故乡与家人团聚。 - wasteland: an area that is barren, uncultivated, or unproductive - Example: The abandoned factory was left as a wasteland after the economic downturn. 经济衰退后,这座废弃工厂变成了一片荒地。5. 近义词
- ground, territory, country, estate, realm6. 反义词
- sea, ocean7. 柯林斯词典
lands (名词): 1. the solid part of the surface of the earth as distinct from seas, lakes, etc. ➜ see also landmass - Example: They had been travelling for days across the barren, rocky land. 他们穿越贫瘠多岩的陆地已经几天了。 2. an area of ground, especially when used for a particular purpose: - Example: The football club wants to build a new stadium on the land. 足球俱乐部希望在这片土地上建造一座新体育场。 lands (动词): 1. third person singular present tense of land - Example: The plane lands in an hour.8. 牛津词典
lands (名词): 1. the part of the earth's surface that is not covered by water, as opposed to the sea or the air: - Example: They traveled across vast stretches of land. 他们穿越了广阔的陆地。 2. an area of ground, especially in terms of its ownership or use: - Example: The property includes several acres of agricultural land. 这处房产包括几英亩的农田。 lands (动词): 1. third person singular present tense of land - Example: The plane lands in an hour.9. 用法
- The noun "land" can be countable or uncountable: - Countable: a land, two lands, many lands - Uncountable: much land, a lot of land - The verb "land" is regular: - Infinitive: to land - Present tense: land(s) - Past tense: landed - Past participle: landed - Gerund or present participle: landing10. 相关例句
- The land area of the country is vast. (这个国家的陆地面积广阔。)
- The land reform policy aims to improve the living conditions of farmers. (土地改革政策旨在改善农民的生活条件。)
- They walked across the land to reach the river. (他们步行穿过陆地到达河边。)
- She prefers living near the coast rather than inland. (她更喜欢住在海岸附近,而不是内陆地区。)
- He returned to his native land after many years abroad. (他在国外多年后回到了故乡。)
- The land of dreams and fantasies. (幻想和梦境之地。)
- They invested their money in land. (他们用钱投资了房地产。)
- The land rejoiced at the end of the war. (国家为战争结束而欢欣鼓舞。)
- They moved to the land to start a farm. (他们搬到农村开办农场。)
- The land was fertile, with rich soil suitable for farming. (这片土地肥沃,土壤适合农耕。)
- He longed to return to his homeland and be reunited with his family. (他渴望返回故乡与家人团聚。)
- The abandoned factory was left as a wasteland after the economic downturn. (经济衰退后,这座废弃工厂变成了一片荒地。)
- They had been travelling for days across the barren, rocky land. (他们穿越贫瘠多岩的陆地已经几天了。)
- The football club wants to build a new stadium on the land. (足球俱乐部希望在这片土地上建造一座新体育场。)
- They traveled across vast stretches of land. (他们穿越了广阔的陆地。)
- The property includes several acres of agricultural land. (这处房产包括几英亩的农田。)
- The plane lands in an hour. (飞机将在一个小时后降落。)