【名词】- 单调乏味的工作;苦差事
- 艰苦劳动;辛勤劳动
- 单调乏味的
- 辛苦的;劳累的
- tedium:厌倦;乏味
- monotony:单调;乏味
- grind:苦差事;辛苦工作
- laboriousness:勤奋;辛勤
- Hard, menial, or dull work.
- Laborious or tedious work.
- She was tired of the drudgery of housework.(她厌倦了家务的苦差事。)
- He found his job to be a monotonous drudgery.(他觉得工作枯燥乏味。)
- After a long day of drudgery, she finally finished all her tasks.(经过漫长的辛苦劳作,她终于完成了所有的任务。)
- They were exhausted from the drudgery of digging trenches all day.(整天挖沟的辛苦使他们筋疲力尽。)
- She resented the drudgery of cleaning up after the party.(她对清理派对后的苦差事感到不满。)
- He was trapped in a life of drudgery and longed for something more fulfilling.(他被困在乏味的生活中,渴望更有意义的事情。)
- The factory workers endured years of drudgery before their demands for better working conditions were met.(工厂工人忍受了多年的苦差事,直到他们提出改善工作条件的要求得到满足。)
- The repetitive drudgery of data entry made him dread going to work.(重复的数据录入工作使他害怕去上班。)
- She escaped the drudgery of her job by pursuing her passion for painting.(她通过追求绘画的热情逃避了工作的苦差事。)
- Although the job was filled with drudgery, she took pride in completing each task efficiently.(尽管工作充满了苦差事,但她以高效地完成每个任务为傲。)
- He was overwhelmed by the drudgery of studying for hours on end.(他对连续几个小时的学习感到不堪重负。)
- She longed for a change from the drudgery of her daily routine.(她渴望摆脱日常例行公事的苦差事。)
- The monotonous drudgery of the assembly line made the workers lose motivation.(装配线上单调乏味的苦差事使工人们失去了动力。)
- He was stuck in a cycle of drudgery and saw no way out.(他陷入了一种苦差事的循环中,看不到出路。)
- She couldn't bear the drudgery of her office job any longer and decided to pursue her dreams instead.(她再也无法忍受办公室工作的苦差事,决定追求她的梦想。)
- The drudgery of household chores often falls on women in traditional societies.(在传统社会中,家务劳动的苦差事常常由女性承担。)
- He was tired of the drudgery and wanted to find a job that offered more excitement.(他厌倦了苦差事,想找一份更刺激的工作。)
- She endured the drudgery of studying for exams in order to achieve her academic goals.(为了实现自己的学业目标,她忍受着备考的苦差事。)
- They managed to find enjoyment in the midst of the drudgery by listening to music while working.(在苦差事中,他们通过边工作边听音乐找到了乐趣。)
- His job required him to perform mind-numbing drudgery day in and day out.(他的工作要求他每天做令人昏昏欲睡的苦差事。)
- She sought refuge from the drudgery of her life through books, where she could escape into different worlds.(她通过书籍寻求摆脱生活的苦差事,可以逃到不同的世界。)