seating [ˈsiːtɪŋ] (n.) 1. 座位;席位;座椅;座位安排 2. (剧院、体育场等的)座位;坐席词语辨析
- seating area:座位区 - seating capacity:座位容量 - seating arrangement:座位安排 - seating plan:座位图近义词
- seats - chairs - benches反义词
- standing形容词
seating [ˈsiːtɪŋ] (adj.) 1. 供坐的;用于坐的 2. 座位的;席位的柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
seating [ˈsiːtɪŋ] (n.) 1. the provision of seats, as in a theatre or stadium, or on a train, aircraft, etc. 2. seats collectively牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
seating [ˈsiːtɪŋ] (n.) 1. The provision of seats, especially in a theater or stadium. 2. The arrangement or location of seats.用法
- The theater has a seating capacity of 500 people. - Please follow the seating plan and take your assigned seats. - The seating arrangement in the conference room is flexible. - The stadium offers both covered and uncovered seating options.例句
- The concert hall has comfortable seating for 1,000 people. (音乐厅配有舒适的1000个座位。)
- Due to the limited seating, we recommend that you arrive early. (由于座位有限,我们建议您提前到达。)
- She found her seat in the theater and waited for the show to begin. (她找到了自己在剧院的座位,等待着演出开始。)
- The stadium has both covered and uncovered seats. (体育场既有有盖的座位,也有露天的座位。)
- He prefers to sit on benches rather than chairs. (他更喜欢坐在长椅上而不是椅子上。)
- The theater has a flexible seating arrangement that can be adjusted for different events. (该剧院有一个灵活的座位安排,可以根据不同的活动进行调整。)
- The conference room has a seating capacity of 50 people. (会议室的座位容量为50人。)
- They were given assigned seats on the airplane. (他们在飞机上被分配了座位。)
- Please refer to the seating plan to find your designated seat. (请查看座位图找到您指定的座位。)
- There is a standing area available for those without seating. (有一个供没有座位的人站立的区域。)
- The concert venue has comfortable and spacious seating. (音乐会场地有舒适宽敞的座位。)
- The theater offers both balcony and orchestra seating. (剧院提供包厢和乐池的座位。)
- They rearranged the seating to accommodate more guests. (他们重新安排了座位以容纳更多的客人。)
- The train has comfortable seating for long journeys. (这列火车有适合长途旅行的舒适座椅。)
- Please make sure to leave the seating area clean after the event. (活动结束后,请确保将座位区域保持清洁。)
- They bought tickets for the front seats at the theater. (他们在剧院买了前排的票。)
- The stadium seating is divided into different sections. (体育场的座位分为不同的区域。)
- The hotel has a beautiful outdoor seating area. (酒店有一个漂亮的室外座位区域。)
- He prefers the seating arrangement in the new office. (他更喜欢新办公室的座位安排。)
- We need to make sure there is enough seating for all the guests. (我们需要确保有足够的座位供所有客人使用。)
- The cinema has a large seating capacity of 500 people. (这家电影院有着500个座位的大容量。)