1. figging: 使用姜作为刺激性的东西(尤指插入肛门)的,尤指指马匹的
2. figging: 以姜制成的,尤指指马匹的
1. figging: 使用姜作为刺激性的东西(尤指插入肛门)
2. figging: 使用姜的刺激法,尤指指马匹的
类似词汇:ginger, irritation, stimulation, horse training
反义词:calming, soothing, sedative
figging: noun
1. the practice of putting ginger into the anus of a horse to make it hold its tail more erect
2. the act of putting ginger into the anus of a horse
figging: adjective
1. (of a horse's tail) held more erect by the use of ginger put into the anus
figging: noun
1. the practice of putting ginger into a horse's anus to make it carry its tail high
2. the practice of putting ginger into a person's anus as a punishment or sexual stimulation
figging: adjective
1. (of a horse's tail) carried high as a result of ginger being put into the anus
- The trainer used figging as a method to improve the horse's performance.
- Some individuals engage in figging for sexual stimulation.
- The horse's figging tail caught the attention of the judges.
- Figging can be a controversial practice in horse training.
- The farmer resorted to figging to make the horse hold its tail higher. (农民使用姜来改善马匹抬尾的行为。)
- Figging is often employed as a punishment in some BDSM practices. (在某些BDSM实践中,figging经常被用作惩罚。)
- The use of figging in horse training is a matter of debate among trainers. (在马匹训练中使用figging是训练师们争论的问题。)
- He learned about figging from an old horse trainer. (他从一位老马匹训练师那里了解了figging。)
- Figging can cause discomfort and irritation if not done properly. (如果操作不当,figging可能会引起不适和刺激。)
- The figging technique is believed to enhance the horse's tail carriage. (人们认为figging技术可以增强马匹抬尾的姿势。)
- Figging is considered by some as a form of animal cruelty. (某些人认为figging是一种虐待动物的行为。)
- She was curious about figging and decided to try it with her partner. (她对figging很好奇,决定与她的伴侣一起尝试。)
- The horse's figging tail caught the attention of the judges. (马匹抬起的尾巴引起了裁判的注意。)
- Figging is not a widely accepted practice in modern horse training. (在现代马匹训练中,figging并不被广泛接受。)
- He was surprised to learn that figging was used as a method to improve horse behavior. (他惊讶地得知figging被用作改善马匹行为的方法。)
- The horse trainer explained the process of figging to the new apprentice. (马匹训练师向新学徒解释了figging的过程。)
- Figging is a controversial topic in the equestrian community. (在马术界,figging是一个有争议的话题。)
- Some trainers argue that figging is unnecessary and can be harmful to the horse. (一些训练师认为figging是不必要的,并且可能对马匹造成伤害。)
- The use of figging has been banned in certain equestrian competitions. (在某些马术比赛中,禁止使用figging。)
- She found the idea of figging intriguing and decided to research it further. (她觉得figging的想法很有趣,决定进一步研究。)
- Figging should only be done under the guidance of a professional trainer. (在专业训练师的指导下才能进行figging。)
- He was unaware of the controversy surrounding the practice of figging. (他对围绕figging实践的争议一无所知。)
- Figging is an ancient method used in some traditional horse training techniques. (figging是一种古老的方法,被用于一些传统的马匹训练技术中。)
- She decided to try figging on her horse to see if it would improve its performance. (她决定尝试给她的马匹做figging,看看是否可以改善其表现。)
- Figging has been criticized by animal rights activists for its potential harm to horses. (figging因可能对马匹造成伤害而受到动物权益活动人士的批评。)