1. 脆弱的;易折断的 - 英文:fragile, breakable - 例句: - The straws in the box are very delicate.(盒子里的吸管非常脆弱。) - Be careful with the glassware, it's quite straws.(小心玻璃器皿,它们非常易碎。) 2. 无关紧要的;微不足道的 - 英文:insignificant, trivial - 例句: - Don't worry about those straws details, focus on the main issue.(不要担心那些微不足道的细节,关注主要问题。) - His complaint is straws compared to the issues we are dealing with.(与我们正在处理的问题相比,他的抱怨微不足道。)名词
1. 吸管 - 英文:straw - 例句: - Could you pass me a straw for my drink, please?(请递给我一个吸管,好吗?) - The turtle got stuck with a plastic straw in its nose.(那只海龟的鼻子里被塑料吸管卡住了。) 2. 麦杆;稻杆 - 英文:straw - 例句: - The farmer used straws to make a shelter for the animals.(农民用麦杆为动物搭建了一个遮蔽所。) - The children had fun playing in the straw pile.(孩子们在稻草堆里玩得很开心。)词语辨析
- 英文:differentiate - 例句: - It's important to be able to straw between right and wrong.(区分对错非常重要。) - Can you straw the subtle differences between these two paintings?(你能区分这两幅画之间微妙的差别吗?)词汇扩充
- 英文:expand the vocabulary - 例句: - Reading books can help you straw your vocabulary.(阅读书籍可以帮助你扩充词汇量。) - Learning a new language is a great way to expand your vocabulary.(学习一门新语言是扩大词汇量的好方法。)近义词
- 英文:synonyms - 例句: - "Small" and "tiny" are straws of each other.("Small"和"tiny"是彼此的近义词。) - The words "happy" and "joyful" can be used as straws.("happy"和"joyful"这两个词可以互换使用。)反义词
- 英文:antonyms - 例句: - "Hot" is the antonym of "cold".("Hot"是"cold"的反义词。) - The word "good" has many antonyms, such as "bad" and "evil".("good"这个词有很多反义词,比如"bad"和"evil"。)柯林斯词典
- 柯林斯词典对于"straws"一词暂无相关信息。牛津词典
- 牛津词典对于"straws"一词暂无相关信息。用法
- 英文:usage - 例句: - The straws of this argument are weak and can easily be disproven.(这个论点的支撑点很脆弱,很容易被驳倒。) - She clutched at straws, hoping for a miracle to happen.(她抓住一丝希望,希望奇迹会发生。)相关的例句
- She sipped her drink through a straw.(她用吸管啜饮着她的饮料。)
- The camel was eating straw.(骆驼在吃稻草。)
- He was fiddling with a straw.(他在玩弄一根吸管。)
- They clutched at straws in their search for a solution.(他们在寻找解决方案时抓住了一些无关紧要的细节。)
- The straws that broke the camel's back were the high taxes.(导致崩溃的最后一根稻草是高额的税收。)
- We're just clutching at straws here - we need some hard facts.(我们只是在这里抓住一些无关紧要的细节,我们需要一些确凿的事实。)
- I need a straw for my cocktail, please.(请给我一根吸管,我要用来搅拌我的鸡尾酒。)
- The children had fun blowing bubbles in their drinks with straws.(孩子们用吸管在饮料里吹泡泡玩得很开心。)
- He sucked up the last bit of milk through a straw.(他用吸管吸干了最后一点牛奶。)
- She stirred her coffee with a straw.(她用吸管搅拌她的咖啡。)
- He straws the water from the river and filters it before drinking.(他用吸管吸取河水,过滤后再喝。)
- The scarecrow was made from old clothes and stuffed with straw.(稻草人是用旧衣服制作的,然后用稻草填充。)
- The horses were munching on hay and straw.(马正在嚼着干草和稻草。)
- We lay on the straw, looking up at the stars.(我们躺在稻草上,仰望着星空。)
- She built a straw bale house in the countryside.(她在乡村建了一座稻草砖房。)
- He grabbed a straw and blew it at his friend playfully.(他拿起一根稻草,顽皮地朝朋友吹去。)
- The wind blew the straw in all directions.(风把稻草吹得四散飘飞。)
- They used straw as insulation in the walls of the house.(他们在房子的墙壁中使用了稻草作为隔热材料。)
- The farmer harvested the golden straws from the field.(农民从田地里收割了金黄色的麦杆。)
- She weaved a hat out of straw.(她用稻草编织了一顶帽子。)