1. 较窄的;狭窄的:
- His office is in a narrower street than mine. (他的办公室在一条比我的更窄的街道上。)
- The path becomes narrower as you go further up the mountain. (随着你越往上走,小路变得越来越窄。)
1. 较窄的部分;狭窄的地方:
- The car barely fit through the narrow. (汽车勉强通过了这个狭窄的地方。)
- She squeezed through the narrow to get to the other side. (她挤过狭窄的地方,到达另一边。)
形容词:narrow, slender, thin, slim
名词:narrowness, slimness, thinness
形容词:thin, slim, slender, tight
名词:thinness, slenderness, tenuity
形容词:wide, broad, spacious
名词:width, breadth, wideness
narrower adj.
1. If something is narrower than something else, it measures less than it in width. (如果某物比另一物窄,它的宽度较小。)
2. If you describe something as narrower than something else, you mean that it covers a smaller range of things or a smaller number of subjects. (如果你形容某物比另一物窄,你的意思是它涵盖的范围较小或包含的主题较少。)
narrower adj.
1. (of a gap, space, or passage) of small width; not wide. (狭隘的;不宽的)
2. (of a person) with narrow views; not broad-minded. (思想狭窄的;不宽容的)
1. The path gets narrower as you go up the hill. (当你上山时,小路变窄。)
2. She has a narrower perspective on the issue. (她对这个问题有着较狭隘的观点。)
3. The doorway is narrower than I expected. (门口比我预想的要窄。)
- The road became narrower as we approached the village. (当我们接近村庄时,道路变得更窄了。)
- The gap between the buildings is too narrow for a car to pass through. (建筑物之间的间隙对汽车来说太窄了,无法通过。)
- He has a narrower perspective on the issue compared to his colleagues. (与他的同事相比,他对这个问题有着较狭隘的观点。)
- The narrower path led us to a beautiful hidden beach. (狭窄的小路带领我们来到一个美丽的隐秘海滩。)
- Her narrow-mindedness prevents her from accepting diverse opinions. (她的偏执使她无法接受不同的观点。)
- The narrowness of his thinking limits his ability to solve complex problems. (他思维的狭隘限制了他解决复杂问题的能力。)
- He squeezed through the narrow gap in the fence and escaped. (他从栅栏的狭窄缝隙中挤了过去,逃跑了。)
- The narrower section of the river is more challenging for rafting. (河道较窄的部分对于漂流更具挑战性。)
- She carefully maneuvered the car through the narrow alley. (她小心翼翼地把车开过狭窄的小巷。)
- The narrowness of the path made it difficult for two people to walk side by side. (小路的狭窄使得两个人并肩走很困难。)
- The street became narrower and narrower as we approached the old town. (当我们接近老城区时,街道变得越来越窄。)
- They decided to take the narrower trail as a shortcut to the summit. (他们决定走较窄的小路作为登山的捷径。)
- His narrow-minded attitude prevents him from understanding different cultures. (他狭隘的态度使他无法理解不同的文化。)
- The narrowness of the bridge caused a traffic jam during rush hour. (高峰时段,桥的狭窄引发了交通堵塞。)
- She navigated the narrow canal with precision and skill. (她精确而熟练地驾驶船只通过狭窄的运河。)
- The narrower part of the road is prone to accidents due to limited visibility. (由于视野有限,道路的狭窄部分容易发生事故。)
- He was criticized for his narrow-mindedness and lack of empathy. (他因为狭隘的思维和缺乏同理心而受到批评。)
- The corridor grew narrower as we progressed towards the end of the building. (随着我们向建筑物的尽头前进,走廊变得越来越窄。)
- She skillfully maneuvered her kayak through the narrow channel. (她熟练地驾驶着皮划艇通过狭窄的水道。)
- The narrowness of his thinking prevents him from considering alternative solutions. (他思维的狭隘使他无法考虑其他解决方案。)
- He carefully squeezed through the narrow gap in the fence to retrieve the ball. (他小心翼翼地从栅栏的狭窄缝隙中挤过去,取回球。)