1. 被允许的,准许的(allowed, permitted)
2. 原谅的,宽恕的(forgiven, pardoned)
3. 豁免的,免除的(exempted, relieved)
1. 借口,托辞(pretext, pretext)
2. 豁免(exemption, immunity)
1. excusable:可原谅的(adjective)
2. excuse:借口(noun)
3. excuse:原谅,宽恕(verb)
pardon, forgive, absolve
blame, condemn, accuse
excused (adjective): If you are excused for something wrong that you have done, you are forgiven for it or not blamed for it.
excused (noun): An excuse is a reason which you give in order to explain why something has been done or has not been done, or in order to avoid doing something.
excused (adjective): Having been officially allowed not to do something that you are expected to do, or to avoid something that you are expected to do, often because you do not want to do it or because you have a good reason for not doing it.
excused (noun): A reason or explanation given to justify a fault or offense.
1. You are excused from attending the meeting.(你不需要参加会议了。)
2. She was excused for being late due to the traffic jam.(她因交通堵塞而迟到,得到了原谅。)
3. He asked to be excused from jury duty.(他请求免除陪审团的职责。)
4. Can I be excused for a moment?(我可以离开一会儿吗?)
5. The teacher excused him from the test because of his illness.(老师因他生病而免除了他的考试。)
- You are excused from attending the meeting.(你不需要参加会议了。)
- She was excused for being late due to the traffic jam.(她因交通堵塞而迟到,得到了原谅。)
- He asked to be excused from jury duty.(他请求免除陪审团的职责。)
- Can I be excused for a moment?(我可以离开一会儿吗?)
- The teacher excused him from the test because of his illness.(老师因他生病而免除了他的考试。)
- Excused absence will be granted in exceptional circumstances.(特殊情况下将允许请假。)
- He excused himself for his mistake.(他为自己的错误找借口。)
- Please excuse my late response.(请原谅我回复晚了。)
- She excused her behavior by claiming she was tired.(她借口自己疲劳来为自己的行为辩解。)
- The judge excused the jury from further deliberation.(法官免除了陪审团继续讨论的责任。)
- He has been excused from military service due to his physical condition.(由于身体状况,他被免除了服兵役。)
- You will not be excused for your negligence.(你的疏忽不会被原谅。)
- The teacher excused him from the assignment because of his family emergency.(由于家庭紧急情况,教师免除了他的作业。)
- The company excused her absence as she had a valid reason.(公司原谅了她的缺勤,因为她有正当理由。)
- I excused myself from the party early as I wasn't feeling well.(我因感觉不舒服而提前离开了聚会,向大家请假。)
- He excused his behavior by blaming it on the stress of work.(他将自己的行为归咎于工作压力,找借口来辩解。)
- The principal excused the student from punishment after considering his explanation.(校长在考虑到他的解释后,免除了学生的处罚。)
- I can't excuse your behavior this time.(这次我不能原谅你的行为。)
- She excused herself for not replying to the email earlier.(她为没有及时回复邮件向对方道歉。)
- They were excused from the team due to their poor performance.(由于表现不佳,他们被免除了团队的责任。)