1. 扩张的;张开的
2. 呈喇叭状的
3. 端部加宽的;鼓起的
1. 燃烧物;火焰
2. 鼓起的裙摆
flare up:突然发作;突然变得严重
flare out:向外扩展;张开
flare gun:信号枪
spread, widen, expand, enlarge
narrow, contract, shrink
1. If something flares, it suddenly becomes wider at one end.
2. If someone's nostrils flare, or if their nose flares, their nostrils become wider, for example because they are angry or excited.
3. If someone's hair or a piece of clothing flares, it becomes wider at the bottom.
4. Flared trousers or sleeves are wider at the bottom than at the top.
5. If something flares or if you flare it, flames or lights start or suddenly become brighter.
6. If a person or an emotion flares, they suddenly become angry or violent.
7. If a situation or problem flares, it suddenly becomes worse or more violent.
8. Flared means the same as flaring.
1. A flare is a small device that produces a bright flame, used for signalling or as a decoration.
2. A flare or a flare-up is a sudden occurrence or increase in something such as violence or disease.
3. A flare is a shape that is wider at one end than at the other.
1. (of a person's nostrils) Open wide as a sign of anger or arrogance.
2. (of a person's eyes) Become wider.
3. (of a person) Suddenly become angry.
4. (of a fire or light) Burn or shine with a sudden intensity.
5. (of a person or their emotions) Suddenly become more intense.
6. (of a situation) Suddenly become more intense or difficult.
1. A gradual widening, especially towards the hem of a garment.
2. A sudden brief burst of bright flame or light.
3. A gradual widening in shape.
4. A short flare leg or sleeve.
例:Her flared skirt twirled as she danced.
- The fire flared suddenly and lit up the night sky. 火焰突然燃起,照亮了夜空。
- His nostrils flared in anger. 他气得鼻孔张大。
- She wore a dress with a flared skirt. 她穿着一件裙摆鼓起的连衣裙。
- Her flared trousers were in fashion in the 1970s. 她的喇叭裤在70年代很流行。
- The flames flared up and threatened to engulf the building. 火焰突然熊熊燃起,威胁着将大楼吞没。
- His anger flared and he shouted at her. 他愤怒地爆发,向她大喊。
- The conflict in the region has flared again. 该地区的冲突再次爆发。
- He lit a flare to signal for help. 他点燃一个信号弹求救。
- The disease experienced a sudden flare-up. 疾病突然爆发。
- The dress has a gradual flare from the waist. 这件连衣裙从腰部开始逐渐变宽。
- The fireworks created a beautiful flare in the night sky. 烟花在夜空中形成了美丽的火焰。
- The trousers have a slight flare at the bottom. 这条裤子底部略微鼓起。
- His flared nostrils showed his anger. 他张大的鼻孔显示出他的愤怒。
- I could see the flared lights of the approaching car. 我能看到逼近的汽车的闪烁灯光。
- The sound of sirens signaled a flare in tensions. 警笛声标志着紧张局势的激化。
- Her temper flared and she stormed out of the room. 她情绪激动,冲出了房间。
- The conflict flared into a full-scale war. 冲突升级为全面战争。
- The dress has a flared silhouette with a wide skirt. 这条连衣裙呈喇叭形状,裙摆很宽。
- He wore flared jeans and a vintage t-shirt. 他穿着喇叭裤和一件复古T恤。
- The old building has a flared roof. 这座古老的建筑有一个鼓起的屋顶。
- She had a sudden flare of anger and threw the plate across the room. 她突然愤怒起来,把盘子扔在房间里。