- runners [形容词]:奔跑的;跑步的
- 例句:The athletes were given new runners for the race. (运动员们为比赛准备了新的跑鞋。)
- runners [名词]:赛跑者;奔跑者
- 例句:The marathon attracted over 500 runners from around the world. (马拉松吸引了来自世界各地的500多名赛跑者。)
- runners vs. joggers:赛跑者 vs. 慢跑者
- 例句:The runners sprinted towards the finish line, while the joggers maintained a steady pace. (赛跑者冲向终点线,而慢跑者保持着稳定的速度。)
- marathon runners:马拉松选手
- 例句:The marathon runners endured a grueling 26.2-mile race. (马拉松选手经受了艰苦的26.2英里比赛。)
- racers:赛车手
- 例句:The racers zoomed down the track, competing for the championship. (赛车手们在赛道上飞驰,争夺冠军。)
- walkers:步行者
- 例句:The event welcomed both walkers and runners to participate. (该活动欢迎步行者和跑步者参加。)
1. A runner is someone who runs, especially in competitions.
2. Runners are people who run as a sport, for exercise, or as a job.
3. The runners in a race are the people who are competing in it.
4. Runners are narrow pieces of carpet or other material that are put along the sides of the stairs in a house to protect the stairs or for decoration.
1. A person who runs, especially in a race.
2. A person who runs as a sport or hobby.
3. The long pieces of cloth on a table in a formal meal, or the people who put them there.
4. A short horizontal bar on a ladder for people to hold onto.
1. He is one of the fastest runners in the school. (他是学校里最快的跑步者之一。) [名词]
2. The runners were ready to start the race. (跑步者们已经准备好开始比赛了。) [名词]
3. She went for a run in her new runners. (她穿着新跑鞋去跑步。) [形容词]
- The runners lined up at the starting line, waiting for the signal to begin the race. (跑步者们排队站在起跑线上,等待开始比赛的信号。)
- He is training hard to become a professional runner. (他正在努力训练成为一名专业的赛跑者。)
- She wore her favorite runners for the marathon. (她穿着她最喜欢的跑鞋参加马拉松比赛。)
- The race attracted top runners from all over the world. (这场比赛吸引了来自世界各地的顶尖赛跑者。)
- The runners sprinted towards the finish line, giving it their all. (赛跑者们向终点线冲刺,全力以赴。)
- She joined a running club to meet other runners and improve her performance. (她加入了一个跑步俱乐部,以结识其他跑步者并提高自己的表现。)
- The marathon runners endured extreme weather conditions during the race. (马拉松选手在比赛中忍受着极端的天气条件。)
- He prefers to be called a jogger rather than a runner. (他更喜欢被称为慢跑者而不是跑步者。)
- The runners set off at a steady pace, conserving their energy for the long race ahead. (跑步者们以稳定的速度出发,为即将到来的漫长比赛保留体力。)
- The track was filled with cheering spectators as the runners raced towards the finish line. (当赛跑者们冲向终点线时,赛道上满是欢呼的观众。)
- She was awarded a medal for finishing first among the female runners. (她被授予了女子跑步者中的第一名奖牌。)
- He tripped and fell, but quickly got back up and continued running with the other runners. (他摔倒了,但迅速站起来,和其他跑步者一起继续跑步。)
- The runners stretched their muscles before the race to prevent injuries. (赛跑者们在比赛前伸展肌肉,以防止受伤。)
- The runners crossed the finish line, exhausted but proud of their accomplishment. (跑步者们穿过终点线,虽然筋疲力尽但对自己的成就感到骄傲。)
- She wore a bright-colored shirt to stand out among the other runners. (她穿了一件鲜艳的衬衫,以在其他跑步者中显眼。)
- The runners were given water and bananas to replenish their energy after the race. (比赛结束后,跑步者们被提供水和香蕉来补充能量。)
- He set a new personal record, finishing the race in just under two hours like a seasoned runner. (他创下了新的个人纪录,像一名经验丰富的跑步者一样在不到两个小时内完成了比赛。)
- She took a deep breath and joined the other runners at the starting line. (她深吸一口气,加入其他跑步者站在起跑线上。)
- The runners raced against each other, pushing themselves to the limit. (跑步者们相互竞争,将自己推向极限。)
- He wore lightweight runners that provided extra cushioning for his feet. (他穿着轻便的跑鞋,为脚提供额外的缓冲。)
- They cheered for the runners as they approached the final stretch of the race. (当跑步者们接近比赛的最后一段时,他们为他们加油喝彩。)