hideout (noun)
hideout (noun)
He retreated to his secret hideout in the mountains.
The criminal was finally captured in his hideout.
After a long day at work, she likes to go to her hideout by the beach.
- They discovered a hidden hideout deep in the forest. - 他们在森林深处发现了一个隐秘的藏身处。
- The fugitive found a remote hideout in the mountains. - 逃犯在山中找到了一个偏远的藏身之所。
- He built a small cabin as his personal hideout. - 他建了一个小木屋作为他个人的避难所。
- The police raided the gang's hideout and arrested several criminals. - 警方突袭了该团伙的藏身之处并逮捕了几名罪犯。
- She turned her bedroom into a cozy hideout where she could read and relax. - 她把她的卧室改造成一个舒适的藏身之所,可以在那里阅读和放松。
- During the war, many civilians sought refuge in underground hideouts. - 战争期间,许多平民在地下藏身处寻求庇护。
- The spy managed to find a temporary hideout in a deserted house. - 那个间谍设法在一间废弃的房子里找到了一个临时的藏匿地。
- They decided to set up a secret hideout where they could plan their next move. - 他们决定设立一个秘密的藏身之处,可以在那里筹划下一步行动。
- After the long journey, the weary travelers found a peaceful hideout in the countryside. - 经过长途旅行,疲惫不堪的旅行者在乡村找到了一个宁静的避难所。
- The hikers discovered a hidden hideout beneath the waterfall. - 远足者们在瀑布下发现了一个隐蔽的藏身处。
- The detective tracked down the criminal's hideout and apprehended him. - 侦探追踪到了罪犯的藏身之处并将其逮捕。
- They decided to convert the old barn into a secret hideout for their club. - 他们决定把旧谷仓改造成他们俱乐部的秘密藏身之所。
- When the storm hit, the birds sought shelter in their natural hideouts. - 暴风雨来临时,鸟类在它们的天然藏身之处寻找庇护。
- The fugitive managed to elude capture by constantly changing hideouts. - 逃犯通过不断更换藏身之处成功地逃避了捕捉。
- The children built a secret hideout in the backyard using old blankets and cardboard boxes. - 孩子们用旧毯子和纸板盒在后院里建了一个秘密的藏匿地。
- She retreated to her favorite hideout in the library whenever she needed some quiet time. - 每当她需要一些宁静的时候,她就会退到她最喜欢的图书馆藏身之所。
- The spy left his hideout at midnight to deliver the classified documents. - 那个间谍在午夜离开他的藏身之处去交付机密文件。
- The police discovered the criminal gang's secret hideout after a thorough investigation. - 警方在进行彻底调查后发现了犯罪团伙的秘密藏匿地。
- The detective carefully examined the hideout for any clues that could lead to the suspect's whereabouts. - 侦探仔细检查了藏身之处,寻找可能导致嫌疑人下落的线索。
- They built a hidden hideout in the mountains where they could gather and plan their rebellion. - 他们在山中建造了一个隐秘的藏身之所,可以在那里聚集和策划叛乱。