encumber 中英词典
1. 名词
- 拖累、负担、阻碍
2. 形容词
- 负担重的、受阻碍的
3. 动词
- 妨碍、阻碍、拖累
encumber 是一个动词,表示妨碍、阻碍、拖累。它的名词形式是 encumbrance,表示拖累、负担、阻碍。形容词形式是 encumbered,表示负担重的、受阻碍的。
其他与 encumber 相关的词汇包括:burden (负担)、impede (阻碍)、hinder (妨碍)、hamper (阻碍)、clog (堵塞)。
encumber (v.) - If someone or something encumbers you, they make it difficult for you to move freely or make progress.
encumber (v.) - Restrict or burden (someone or something) in such a way that free action or movement is difficult.
encumber 作为动词的用法示例:
- She was encumbered with a heavy backpack while hiking.
- The company's debt encumbers its ability to expand.
- The bureaucratic processes encumber the efficient functioning of the organization.
- Don't encumber yourself with unnecessary baggage.
- His lack of experience encumbered his chances of getting the job.
encumbered 作为形容词的用法示例:
- The runner's encumbered legs slowed him down in the race.
- She felt mentally encumbered by her worries.
- They struggled to move forward under the encumbered weight of the boxes.
encumbrance 作为名词的用法示例:
- The heavy workload became an encumbrance for the exhausted employees.
- Financial encumbrances prevented them from starting their own business.
- His past mistakes were an encumbrance to his future success.
- 她背着沉重的背包徒步旅行,感到非常拖沓。
- She felt encumbered with a heavy backpack while hiking.
- 公司的债务阻碍了它扩张的能力。
- The company's debt encumbers its ability to expand.
- 繁文缛节妨碍了该组织的高效运作。
- The bureaucratic processes encumber the efficient functioning of the organization.
- 不要让不必要的行李拖累你自己。
- Don't encumber yourself with unnecessary baggage.
- 他缺乏经验限制了他得到这份工作的机会。
- His lack of experience encumbered his chances of getting the job.
- 跑步者背负沉重的腿在比赛中减速。
- The runner's encumbered legs slowed him down in the race.
- 她因为担心而感到精神上的负担重。
- She felt mentally encumbered by her worries.
- 他们在沉重的箱子的阻碍下努力前进。
- They struggled to move forward under the encumbered weight of the boxes.
- 疲惫不堪的员工们感到工作负荷很大。
- The heavy workload became an encumbrance for the exhausted employees.
- 财务负担阻止了他们创业。
- Financial encumbrances prevented them from starting their own business.