dazed [deɪzd]
- 目迷神离的;茫然的;昏乱的
- 使人昏昏沉沉的;令人晕眩的
dazed [deɪzd]
- 目迷神离;茫然;昏乱
- dizzy:指感到头晕目眩,与平衡感有关
- stunned:指因强烈的冲击或惊讶而使人短暂失去反应能力
- confused:指感到困惑,不知所措
- bewildered:指因迷惑或困惑而感到茫然
- disoriented:指在方向或感知上失去判断力
- dazedly:副词,茫然地,昏乱地
- dazedness:名词,茫然,昏乱
- stunned
- confused
- bewildered
- disoriented
- baffled
- clear-headed
- focused
- lucid
- alert
- oriented
dazed (deɪzd) 形容词
- If you are dazed, you feel confused and unable to think clearly, often because of shock or a blow to the head.
- If you are dazed by something, you are very shocked or surprised by it and so cannot think properly for a while.
dazed /deɪzd/ 形容词
- Unable to think clearly or react quickly, especially because of a shock or blow to the head.
- Very surprised or shocked and unable to think clearly.
dazed作形容词时,常用结构:be + dazed
- He was dazed and had trouble remembering what had happened.(他目眩神迷,难以记起发生了什么。)
- The loud explosion left her feeling dazed and disoriented.(巨大的爆炸声让她感到茫然和迷失方向。)
- After the accident, he sat on the side of the road, dazed and unable to speak.(事故发生后,他坐在路边,目瞪口呆,无法说话。)
- The unexpected news left her dazed for a moment.(这个意外的消息让她震惊了一会儿。)
- She was dazed by the sudden turn of events.(突如其来的事件让她惊呆了。)
- He stood there, dazed and speechless, trying to comprehend what had just happened.(他站在那里,目瞪口呆,无言以对,试图理解刚刚发生的事情。)
- She looked dazed as if she had seen a ghost.(她看起来茫然不知所措,好像见了鬼。)
- He was dazed for a moment, unsure of what to do next.(他一时茫然,不确定接下来该怎么办。)
- The bright lights of the city left him feeling dazed and overwhelmed.(城市的灯光让他感到晕眩和压力巨大。)
- The loud noise from the explosion left everyone dazed and confused.(爆炸发出的巨响让每个人目眩神迷,困惑不解。)
- She stumbled out of the smoke, dazed and coughing.(她踉跄着从烟雾中走出来,茫然不知所措,咳嗽不止。)
- The boxer was hit with a powerful punch and was left dazed on the mat.(拳击手被一记强力的拳击打中,晕眩地躺在拳击台上。)
- The accident left him with a dazed expression on his face.(事故让他的脸上呈现出茫然的表情。)
- She took a moment to recover from the dazed feeling caused by the bright lights.(她花了一些时间来从灯光带来的茫然感中恢复过来。)
- He walked around in a dazed state after receiving the shocking news.(在得知震惊的消息后,他茫然地四处走动。)
- The student stared at the exam paper, dazed and unsure of how to answer the questions.(学生茫然地盯着试卷,不确定如何回答问题。)
- The car accident left her dazed and with a minor head injury.(车祸让她晕头转向,并受了轻微的头部伤势。)
- He was dazed by the sudden change in circumstances.(突如其来的情况变化让他感到茫然。)
- The shock of losing her job left her feeling dazed and uncertain about the future.(失去工作的冲击让她感到茫然和对未来充满不确定。)
- She walked out of the hospital, dazed and weak from the medication.(她从医院走出来,因药物而感到晕眩和虚弱。)
- He woke up in a dazed state, unable to remember how he had gotten there.(他在茫然的状态下醒来,不记得自己是怎么到达那里的。)