clever /'klɛvər/ adj. 1. 聪明的,机智的 2. 灵巧的,巧妙的名词
cleverness /'klɛvərnɪs/ n. 1. 聪明,机智 2. 灵巧,巧妙词语辨析
1. clever 和 smart 都可以表示“聪明的”,但clever 更强调智力和创造力,而smart 更强调敏捷和反应迅速。 2. clever 和 intelligent 都可以表示“聪明的”,但clever 更强调机智和智慧,而intelligent 更强调智力和理解力。词汇扩充
1. cleverly /'klɛvərli/ adv. 聪明地,机智地 2. clevernesses /'klɛvərnɪsɪz/ n. 聪明,机智近义词
1. intelligent /ɪn'tɛlɪdʒənt/ adj. 聪明的,智能的 2. quick-witted /'kwɪk'wɪtɪd/ adj. 口才灵活的,反应敏捷的 3. sharp /ʃɑːrp/ adj. 敏锐的,聪明的 4. astute /ə'stjuːt/ adj. 机敏的,狡猾的反义词
1. foolish /'fuːlɪʃ/ adj. 愚笨的,愚蠢的 2. stupid /'stjuːpɪd/ adj. 愚蠢的,笨拙的柯林斯词典
cleverness /'klɛvərnɪs/ n. [uncountable] 1. 聪明;机智 2. 灵巧;巧妙牛津词典
cleverness /'klɛvərnəs/ n. [uncountable] 1. 聪明;机智 2. 灵巧用法
cleverness 是一个可数名词,通常用于不可数名词的形式。相关的例句
- Her cleverness and creativity helped her solve the puzzle. (她的聪明才智和创造力帮助她解决了这个难题。)
- His clever idea saved us a lot of time. (他聪明的主意为我们节省了很多时间。)
- She is known for her clever wit and quick thinking. (她以机智和思维敏捷而闻名。)
- The magician performed some clever tricks that amazed the audience. (魔术师表演了一些令观众惊叹的巧妙戏法。)
- The detective's cleverness helped him solve the crime. (侦探的聪明才智帮助他解决了这起犯罪案件。)
- She used her cleverness to outsmart her opponents. (她运用聪明才智智胜了对手。)
- His cleverness in finding loopholes in the system allowed him to exploit it. (他在寻找制度漏洞方面的聪明才智使他能够利用它。)
- The puzzle required both intelligence and cleverness to solve. (这个谜题需要智力和聪明才智来解决。)
- His clever manipulation of the situation allowed him to come out on top. (他对情况的巧妙操控使他能够取得胜利。)
- The child showed great cleverness in solving the math problem. (这个孩子在解决数学问题上显示出了巨大的聪明才智。)
- She is a clever negotiator and always gets the best deal. (她是个聪明的谈判者,总能得到最好的交易。)
- His cleverness was evident in the way he avoided answering the difficult question. (他避免回答困难问题的机智方式显示出他的聪明才智。)
- The burglar's clever plan allowed him to break into the house undetected. (小偷巧妙的计划使他能够潜入房屋而不被察觉。)
- The artist's clever use of colors created a beautiful painting. (艺术家巧妙运用颜色创作出了一幅美丽的画作。)
- His clever wordplay always brings a smile to my face. (他巧妙的文字游戏总能让我笑逐颜开。)
- She is praised for her cleverness in solving complex problems. (她因解决复杂问题的聪明才智而受到赞扬。)
- The detective's cleverness allowed him to uncover the truth. (侦探的聪明才智使他能够揭开真相。)
- He used his cleverness to trick his opponents and win the game. (他运用聪明才智来欺骗对手并赢得比赛。)
- Her clever solution to the problem impressed everyone. (她对问题的聪明解决方法给大家留下了深刻的印象。)
- His cleverness in business allowed him to build a successful empire. (他在商业上的聪明才智使他能够建立起一个成功的帝国。)
- The student's clever answer to the teacher's question surprised everyone. (学生对老师问题的聪明回答让大家感到惊讶。)