形容词(Adjective): 1. deliberate: 深思熟虑的,慎重的 2. deliberative: 审议的,考虑的 名词(Noun): 1. the act of deliberating: 考虑,商讨 2. careful consideration: 深思熟虑 3. a formal discussion and consideration of issues: 审议词语辨析(Differentiation):
deliberation, consideration, reflection, thought deliberation强调经过深思熟虑以及慎重决策的行为。 consideration指考虑某事时的思考、注意和权衡。 reflection指通过深思熟虑和回顾来获得理解。 thought指通过思考和思维过程来形成意见或决策。词汇扩充(Word Expansion):
1. deliberate (verb): 深思熟虑,慎重考虑 2. deliberative (adjective): 审议的,考虑的 3. deliberator (noun): 深思熟虑者,考虑者近义词(Synonyms):
care, thoughtfulness, prudence, circumspection反义词(Antonyms):
impulsiveness, hastiness, recklessness, thoughtlessness柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary):
deliberation (noun) 1. thoughtful consideration before making a decision or taking action 2. the quality of being slow and careful in decision-making or action牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary):
deliberation (noun) 1. long and careful consideration or discussion 2. the quality of being slow and careful in decision-making用法(Usage):
1. After much deliberation, we decided to go ahead with the project. 2. The jury reached their verdict after careful deliberation. 3. He spoke with deliberation, choosing his words carefully. 4. The deliberative process allows for a thorough analysis of all options.相关例句(Example Sentences):
- After much deliberation, she chose to accept the job offer.(经过深思熟虑后,她选择接受了工作机会。)
- The committee engaged in lengthy deliberations before reaching a decision.(委员会进行了漫长的讨论后做出了决定。)
- His deliberate actions made it clear that he had planned the event.(他的故意行动表明他计划了这件事。)
- She spoke with deliberation and confidence during the presentation.(她在演讲中以深思熟虑和自信的口吻说话。)
- They approached the problem with deliberate care and attention to detail.(他们以慎重的态度和对细节的关注来解决问题。)
- After much consideration, they decided to move to a new city.(经过深思熟虑,他们决定搬到一个新城市。)
- His reflection on the situation helped him gain a new perspective.(对这种情况的思考帮助他获得了新的观点。)
- She approached the decision with thoughtfulness and sensitivity.(她以考虑周到和敏感的态度来处理这个决定。)
- The reflection on his past mistakes made him more cautious in his actions.(对过去错误的反思使他在行动中更加谨慎。)
- His thoughts on the matter were well-reasoned and logical.(他对这件事的想法是经过深思熟虑和逻辑合理的。)
- She acted without consideration for the consequences.(她在不考虑后果的情况下采取了行动。)
- The decision was made hastily and without reflection.(这个决定是匆忙做出的,没有经过深思熟虑。)
- His thoughtlessness often leads to careless mistakes.(他的粗心常常导致疏忽大意的错误。)
- The impulsive decision was made without deliberation.(这个冲动的决定是没有经过深思熟虑的。)
- He acted with hastiness and didn't consider the consequences.(他行事匆忙,没有考虑后果。)
- The recklessness of his actions put others in danger.(他的鲁莽行为使他人处于危险之中。)