1. types (形容词):各种各样的,不同类型的2. typal (形容词):典型的,类型的
3. typical (形容词):典型的,代表性的
1. types (名词):类型,种类2. typology (名词):类型学,分类学
3. typification (名词):典型,类型化
4. typist (名词):打字员
1. types vs. kinds:types指的是一组具有相似特征的事物,而kinds则指的是一类事物的不同种类。例句:There are different types of flowers in this garden. (这个花园里有不同类型的花。)
例句:There are various kinds of animals in the zoo. (动物园里有各种各样的动物。)
1. archetypes (名词):原型,典范2. prototypes (名词):原型,雏形
3. categories (名词):类别,范畴
4. varieties (名词):品种,种类
1. sorts (名词):种类,类型2. kinds (名词):种类,类别
3. species (名词):物种,种类
4. classes (名词):类别,阶级
1. atypical (形容词):非典型的,不寻常的2. untypical (形容词):非典型的,不寻常的
3. non-typical (形容词):非典型的,不寻常的
types (名词):A type of something is a group of those things that have particular features in common.例句:What type of music do you like? (你喜欢什么类型的音乐?)
types (名词):A category of people or things that have similar characteristics and are classified together.例句:There are many different types of birds in this area. (这个区域有很多不同类型的鸟类。)
1. types of:用于描述某物的不同种类或类型。例句:There are various types of cars on the market. (市场上有各种各样的汽车。)
例句:There are different types of books in the library. (图书馆里有不同类型的书。)
2. type of:用于描述某物具有的特定特征或属性。
例句:He is the type of person who always helps others. (他是那种总是帮助他人的人。)
例句:She is not the type of girl who enjoys parties. (她不是那种喜欢派对的女孩。)
- There are different types of flowers in this garden. (这个花园里有不同类型的花。)
- There are various kinds of animals in the zoo. (动物园里有各种各样的动物。)
- Archetypes represent universal patterns of human nature. (原型代表了人类本性的普遍模式。)
- Scientists are working on creating prototypes of the new technology. (科学家正在研发新技术的原型。)
- There are different categories of books in the library. (图书馆里有不同的书籍类别。)
- There are various varieties of apples in this orchard. (这个果园里有各种各样的苹果品种。)
- What sorts of movies do you enjoy watching? (你喜欢看什么类型的电影?)
- There are many different kinds of birds in this area. (这个区域有很多不同种类的鸟类。)
- She belongs to the species of artistic individuals. (她属于艺术家类型的人。)
- The classes of society were clearly defined in the feudal system. (封建制度中社会阶级明确划分。)
- This behavior is atypical of him; he is usually very polite. (这种行为不符合他的典型特征,他通常非常有礼貌。)
- Her approach to problem-solving is untypical but effective. (她解决问题的方法不典型但有效。)
- The company decided to hire a non-typical candidate for the position. (公司决定聘请一位非典型的候选人担任该职位。)
- What type of music do you like? (你喜欢什么类型的音乐?)
- There are many different types of birds in this area. (这个区域有很多不同类型的鸟类。)
- There are various types of cars on the market. (市场上有各种各样的汽车。)
- He is the type of person who always helps others. (他是那种总是帮助他人的人。)
- She is not the type of girl who enjoys parties. (她不是那种喜欢派对的女孩。)