形容词(Adjective): 1. modifying的主要含义是“修改的”或“修饰的”,指对某物进行更改或调整。 2. 在语法学中,modifying用于描述修饰其他词或短语的词或短语。 名词(Noun): 1. modifying作为名词时,指的是对其他事物进行修改或调整的行为或过程。 词语辨析: 1. modify:动词,指对某物进行修改或调整。 2. alter:动词,意为“改变”或“更改”,与modify的含义相近。 3. adapt:动词,意为“适应”或“改编”,侧重于根据需要或情况进行调整。 词汇扩充: 1. modifying factor:修饰因素 2. modifying agent:修饰剂 3. modifying phrase:修饰短语 近义词(Synonyms): alter, adjust, change, revise, amend, adapt 反义词(Antonyms): preserve, maintain, retain, conserve 柯林斯词典释义: modifying (noun) The modifying of something is the act of changing its structure or of making changes to it. 牛津词典释义: modify (verb) 1. Make partial or minor changes to (something). 2. Limit or restrict (a statement). 用法: 1. The document needs modifying before it can be finalized. 这份文件需要修改才能最终定稿。 2. She was skilled at modifying old clothes to create new designs. 她擅长修改旧衣服以创造新设计。 3. The modifying phrase in the sentence provides additional information. 句子中的修饰短语提供了额外的信息。 4. The scientist is modifying the experiment to include new variables. 科学家正在修改实验以包括新的变量。 5. The modifying agent in this cosmetic product improves skin texture. 此化妆品产品中的修饰剂改善了皮肤质地。 6. The modifying factor that influenced the outcome was unexpected. 影响结果的修饰因素是意外的。 7. The artist used various techniques to modify the appearance of the sculpture. 艺术家使用了各种技巧来改变雕塑的外观。 8. The company decided to alter its marketing strategy to target a new audience. 公司决定改变其营销策略以针对新的受众。 9. The teacher adapted the lesson plan to suit the needs of the students. 教师根据学生的需求调整了教案。 10. The writer revised the manuscript multiple times before submitting it for publication. 作者在提交出版之前多次修订了手稿。中英双语例句:
- The architect is modifying the design based on client feedback. 建筑师根据客户的反馈正在修改设计。
- Please ensure that the modifying factors are taken into account when analyzing the data. 在分析数据时,请确保考虑到修饰因素。
- The modifying agent in this chemical reaction increases the rate of the reaction. 此化学反应中的修饰剂增加了反应速率。
- He used Photoshop to modify the image and enhance its colors. 他使用Photoshop修改了图片并增强了它的颜色。
- The company decided to alter its production process to improve efficiency. 公司决定改变其生产流程以提高效率。
- She adapted the novel into a screenplay for the movie adaptation. 她将这本小说改编成了电影剧本。
- The writer revised the manuscript based on the editor's feedback. 作家根据编辑的反馈对手稿进行了修订。
- He modified his original plan to include additional features. 他修改了原来的计划,增加了额外的功能。
- The modifying phrase in the sentence adds clarity to the meaning. 句子中的修饰短语使意思更清晰。
- They altered the schedule to accommodate the changes in the agenda. 他们调整了日程以适应议程的变化。
- She adapted her teaching style to suit the needs of each student. 她根据每个学生的需求调整了她的教学风格。
- The scientist is modifying the experiment to include additional variables. 科学家正在修改实验,以包括额外的变量。
- A modified version of the software will be released next month. 下个月将发布软件的修订版。
- The modifying factor that influenced the outcome was unexpected. 影响结果的修饰因素是意外的。
- He adapted his speech to the audience by using simple language. 他通过使用简单的语言将演讲适应了听众。
- The designer modified the dress to fit the model perfectly. 设计师修改了连衣裙,使其完美贴合模特。
- They altered the menu to cater to the dietary restrictions of their customers. 他们修改了菜单以满足顾客的饮食限制。
- She revised her essay multiple times before submitting it for grading. 她在提交论文之前多次修改了它。
- The modifying agent in this medication enhances its effectiveness. 此药物中的修饰剂增强了其效力。
- The team adapted their strategy to counter the opponent's tactics. 团队调整了他们的策略以应对对手的战术。