detect [dɪˈtɛkt]
- 发现;察觉
- 侦查;侦察
detectable [dɪˈtɛktəbəl]
- 可察觉的
- 可侦查的
detection [dɪˈtɛkʃən]
- 发现;察觉
- 侦查;侦察
detective [dɪˈtɛktɪv]:侦探
detector [dɪˈtɛktər]:探测器
detective work:侦查工作
discover [dɪˈskʌvər]:发现
spot [spɒt]:发现;认出
notice [ˈnəʊtɪs]:注意到
observe [əbˈzɜːv]:观察;注意到
miss [mɪs]:错过;漏掉
ignore [ɪɡˈnɔːr]:忽视
overlook [ˌəʊvəˈlʊk]:忽略
detect (dɪˈtɛkt)
- 动词:If someone or something detects something, they notice it or find it, especially after an investigation, using scientific equipment, or formal observation.
- 名词:Detection is the act of noticing or discovering something, especially something that is not easy to see, hear, or sense.
detect (dɪˈtɛkt)
- 动词:Discover or identify the presence or existence of.
- 名词:The action or process of identifying the presence of something concealed.
1. detect sth: 发现某事物
2. detect sb/sth doing sth: 察觉到某人/某事物正在做某事
3. detect that: 发觉到
- I can detect a hint of sarcasm in his voice. (我能从他的声音中察觉到一丝讽刺。)
- She detected a strange smell coming from the kitchen. (她察觉到厨房里有一股奇怪的气味。)
- The police are trying to detect the source of the drugs. (警方正在努力侦查毒品的来源。)
- Scientists have detected water on Mars. (科学家们已在火星上发现了水。)
- He was detected stealing from the company. (他被发现从公司偷盗。)
- The security system is designed to detect any unauthorized access. (该安全系统旨在检测任何未经授权的访问。)
- The detective carefully detected the clues at the crime scene. (侦探在犯罪现场仔细发现线索。)
- The machine can detect minute changes in temperature. (这台机器能够检测到微小的温度变化。)
- We need to detect and prevent any potential risks. (我们需要发现并防止任何潜在风险。)
- It is challenging to detect early signs of the disease. (早期发现疾病的迹象是具有挑战性的。)
- The new technology enables us to detect previously undetectable substances. (新技术使我们能够检测以前无法察觉的物质。)
- She detected a note of sadness in his voice. (她察觉到他的声音中带有一丝悲伤。)
- The police have made a significant detection in the murder case. (警方在这起谋杀案中有了重大的发现。)
- He has a talent for detection. (他有侦查的天赋。)
- Her detection skills helped solve the mystery. (她的侦查技巧帮助解开了这个谜团。)
- The detection of fraudulent activities is a priority for the company. (对欺诈活动的侦查是公司的首要任务。)
- Advanced radar systems are used for aircraft detection. (先进的雷达系统用于飞机的侦测。)
- Early detection of cancer can save lives. (癌症的早期检测可以挽救生命。)
- The detection of a new species is always exciting for biologists. (发现新物种对生物学家们来说总是充满激动。)
- They have developed a method for the early detection of earthquakes. (他们开发了一种早期检测地震的方法。)