形容词 (Adjective)
enigmatic: 谜一般的,神秘的名词 (Noun)
1. 谜团,难题 (Mystery, Puzzle) - The disappearance of the famous painting remains an enigma to this day. 这幅著名画作的失踪至今仍然是个谜团。 - The origins of the universe are still an enigma that scientists are trying to solve. 宇宙的起源仍然是科学家们试图解开的难题。 - The hidden message in the ancient manuscript is an enigma waiting to be deciphered. 古代手稿中的隐藏信息是一个等待解密的谜团。 2. 神秘人物 (Mysterious Person) - The stranger who appeared out of nowhere was an enigma to the townspeople. 那个突然出现的陌生人对镇上的居民来说是个谜。 - The famous author is known for his enigmatic personality and reclusive lifestyle. 这位著名作家以他神秘的个性和隐居的生活方式而闻名。词语辨析
- puzzle: 强调需要解决的难题或令人困惑的事物。 - mystery: 强调对事物的原因、性质或结果的不确定性。 - enigma: 强调对某个人、事件或情况的神秘性和难以理解的特点。词汇扩充
- 解谜 (解开谜团): unravel the enigma - 被谜团困扰: be puzzled by the enigma - 谜团的解决: the resolution of the enigma - 揭示谜团的真相: reveal the truth behind the enigma近义词 (Synonyms)
mystery, puzzle, riddle, conundrum, paradox反义词 (Antonyms)
solution, explanation, clarity柯林斯词典 (Collins Dictionary)
noun 1. If you describe something or someone as an enigma, you mean they are mysterious or difficult to understand. 如果你形容某事或某人是一个“谜”,你的意思是他们是神秘的或难以理解的。 2. An enigma is a person, thing, or situation that is mysterious and difficult to understand. “谜”是指一个神秘而难以理解的人、事或情况。 3. If you say that someone or something is an enigma, you mean they are a puzzle or a mystery. 如果你说某人或某事是一个“谜”,你的意思是他们是一个难题或谜。 形容词 If you describe someone or something as enigmatic, you mean they are mysterious and difficult to understand. 如果你形容某人或某事是“谜一般的”,你的意思是他们是神秘的且难以理解的。牛津词典 (Oxford Dictionary)
noun 1. A person or thing that is mysterious or difficult to understand. 一个神秘或难以理解的人或事物。 adjective Difficult to interpret or understand; mysterious. 难以解释或理解的;神秘的。用法
- The enigma of her disappearance has baffled investigators for years. 她失踪的谜团已经困扰了调查人员多年。 - The true identity of the masked superhero remains an enigma. 这个戴面具的超级英雄的真实身份仍然是个谜。 - The enigmatic smile on her face gave away nothing of her true emotions. 她脸上的神秘微笑没有透露出她真正的情感。 - The artist's paintings are often described as enigmatic and open to interpretation. 这位艺术家的画作常常被描述为神秘莫测的,可以有多种解释。相关例句
- The disappearance of the famous painting remains an enigma to this day. (这幅著名画作的失踪至今仍然是个谜团。)
- The origins of the universe are still an enigma that scientists are trying to solve. (宇宙的起源仍然是科学家们试图解开的难题。)
- The hidden message in the ancient manuscript is an enigma waiting to be deciphered. (古代手稿中的隐藏信息是一个等待解密的谜团。)
- The stranger who appeared out of nowhere was an enigma to the townspeople. (那个突然出现的陌生人对镇上的居民来说是个谜。)
- The famous author is known for his enigmatic personality and reclusive lifestyle. (这位著名作家以他神秘的个性和隐居的生活方式而闻名。)
- She has always been an enigma to me – I never know what she's thinking. (她对我来说一直是个谜 - 我永远不知道她在想什么。)
- The enigmatic smile on her face gave nothing away. (她脸上的神秘微笑没有透露任何信息。)
- The true identity of the anonymous benefactor remained an enigma until his death. (这位匿名捐助者的真实身份一直是个谜,直到他去世。)
- The enigmatic lyrics of the song sparked intense debate among fans. (这首歌的神秘歌词在歌迷中引发了激烈的争论。)
- The enigmatic painting left viewers puzzled and searching for meaning. (这幅神秘的画让观众感到困惑,寻找着意义。)
- The detective was determined to unravel the enigma and solve the case. (侦探决心解开谜团并解决这个案件。)
- The enigma of the missing documents continues to baffle investigators. (这些失踪文件的谜团仍然困扰着调查人员。)
- Despite extensive research, the enigmatic symbol could not be deciphered. (尽管进行了广泛的研究,但这个神秘的符号无法被解读。)
- The enigmatic atmosphere of the old house intrigued the young explorers. (这所古老房子的神秘氛围引起了年轻探险者的兴趣。)
- She had an enigmatic smile that made people wonder about her thoughts. (她有一个神秘的微笑,让人们对她的想法产生了疑问。)
- The enigmatic ending of the movie left the audience in suspense. (电影的神秘结局让观众悬念万分。)
- The enigmatic message was written in a code that only a few could understand. (这条神秘信息是用只有少数人能理解的密码写的。)
- Her enigmatic personality made it difficult for others to predict her actions. (她神秘的个性使得其他人难以预测她的行动。)
- The enigmatic figure disappeared into the night, leaving no trace behind. (神秘的身影消失在夜幕中,没有留下任何痕迹。)
- The enigmatic sculpture left observers pondering its meaning. (这座神秘的雕塑让观察者思考它的意义。)
- His enigmatic smile gave nothing away, leaving others curious about his thoughts. (他神秘的微笑没有透露出任何信息,让其他人对他的想法感到好奇。)