1. 名词
2. 形容词
"toe" 与 "foot" 的区别在于 "toe" 指的是脚的前部分,即脚趾,而 "foot" 指的是整个脚。另外,"toe" 还可以表示鞋的前部,而 "foot" 则指整个鞋子。
toe (noun)
1. The toes are the five movable parts at the end of your foot. Each toe consists of a bone, and is connected to your foot by joints.
2. The toe of a shoe or sock is the part that covers your toes.
toe (verb)
1. If you toe a particular line, you express support for it and act according to it.
2. If you toe the party line, you express support for the ideas and policies of your political party, rather than giving your own opinion.
toe (noun)
1. Any of the five digits at the end of the human foot.
2. The lower end, tip, or point of something.
3. The forward facing part of a shoe or boot that covers the front part of the foot.
toe (verb)
1. To push, touch, or kick something with one's toe.
2. To walk with the toes pointed in a specified direction or position.
1. I stubbed my toe on the corner of the table.
2. The shoe has a reinforced toe for added protection.
3. She dipped her toes into the cold water.
4. The hiker reached the toe of the mountain.
5. He stood on the toes of his feet to see over the crowd.
6. The cat dug its claws into the toe of my sock.
7. She carefully painted each toe a different color.
8. He always toes the line and follows the rules.
9. The politician toe the party line in his speech.
10. He accidentally toed the ball into his own goal.
1. I stubbed my toe on the corner of the table. (我脚趾撞到了桌角。)
2. She dipped her toes into the cold water. (她把脚趾蘸进了冰冷的水中。)
3. The hiker reached the toe of the mountain. (徒步旅行者到达了山脉的尖端。)
4. She carefully painted each toe a different color. (她仔细地给每个脚趾涂上不同的颜色。)
5. He always toes the line and follows the rules. (他总是遵守规定,听从命令。)
6. The politician toes the party line in his speech. (那位政治家在讲话中遵循党的路线。)
7. He accidentally toed the ball into his own goal. (他不小心用脚趾将球踢进了自己的球门。)
8. She tiptoed across the room so as not to wake the baby. (她踮着脚尖穿过房间,不想把宝宝吵醒。)
9. The dancer's toes were bleeding from hours of practice. (舞者的脚趾因为数小时的练习而流血。)
10. He felt a sharp pain in his big toe. (他的大脚趾感到一阵剧痛。)
11. The shoe has a steel toe for added protection. (这双鞋有一层钢头,以增加保护。)
12. The cat dug its claws into the toe of my sock. (猫把它的爪子插进了我的袜子脚趾处。)
13. She stood on her tiptoes to see over the crowd. (她踮起脚尖,想瞄过人群。)
14. The boxer delivered a powerful punch to his opponent's midsection. (拳击手对对手的腰部猛击一拳。)
15. The hiker carefully navigated the rocky terrain. (徒步旅行者小心翼翼地穿越崎岖的地形。)
16. The dancer gracefully performed a pirouette. (舞者优雅地完成了一个脚尖转。)
17. The child's toes wriggled with delight in the sand. (孩子的脚趾在沙子里欢快地蠕动。)
18. The gymnast balanced on the beam with her toes. (体操运动员用脚趾平衡在平衡木上。)
19. The soccer player kicked the ball with the front of his foot. (足球运动员用脚趾尖踢球。)
20. The mountaineer reached the toe of the glacier after a long climb. (登山者在长时间攀登后到达冰川的尖端。)