wallop [wɑːləp] (名词、动词)- 名词:
- 重击;猛击
- 巨大的影响力或效果
- 强劲的饮料
- 动词:
- 猛击;猛打
- 以强有力的方式行动或影响
- 击败;战胜
- walloping:巨大的;强劲的
- heavy wallop:重击
- the wallop of something:某物的巨大影响力或效果
- a wallop of something:大量的某物
- liquid wallop:强劲的饮料
- bang:指短暂的、突然的爆炸声或撞击声。
- thump:指沉闷的重击声。
- smack:指猛烈的打击声或撞击声。
- whack:指有力的打击声或撞击声。
- walloper:猛击者;强打者(名词)
- wallopingly:极其;非常(副词)
- wallopingness:巨大;强劲(名词)
- strike
- hit
- smack
- thump
- punch
- tap
- pat
- stroke
- caress
wallop (名词、动词)
- 如果某事或某人有威力、影响力或效果,那么可以说它们有wallop。
- 如果你wallop某人或某物,你用力地击打他们。
wallop (名词、动词)
- 如果某物有强大的影响或效果,那么可以说它有wallop。
- 如果你wallop某人或某物,你用力地击打他们。
- He walloped the ball out of the park.(他将球猛击出了球场。)
- The storm's wallop caused widespread damage.(暴风雨的猛烈袭击造成了广泛的破坏。)
- She gave the piñata a good wallop.(她狠狠地打了一下彩纸糖果袋。)
- The punch packed a real wallop.(这一拳真的很有力。)
- He took a walloping from his opponent.(他被对手狠狠地打败了。)
- The drink has a real wallop to it.(这种饮料很有劲。)
- Her words had a wallop that made everyone stop and think.(她的话有一种震撼力,让每个人都停下来思考。)
- He wallops the drums with great enthusiasm.(他充满热情地敲击着鼓。)
- The boxer was walloped by his opponent.(这个拳击手被对手击败了。)
- They walloped the team in the championship match.(他们在冠军赛中击败了对方队伍。)
- He walloped the ball out of the park.(他将球猛击出了球场。)
- The storm's wallop caused widespread damage.(暴风雨的猛烈袭击造成了广泛的破坏。)
- She gave the piñata a good wallop.(她狠狠地打了一下彩纸糖果袋。)
- The punch packed a real wallop.(这一拳真的很有力。)
- He took a walloping from his opponent.(他被对手狠狠地打败了。)
- The drink has a real wallop to it.(这种饮料很有劲。)
- Her words had a wallop that made everyone stop and think.(她的话有一种震撼力,让每个人都停下来思考。)
- He wallops the drums with great enthusiasm.(他充满热情地敲击着鼓。)
- The boxer was walloped by his opponent.(这个拳击手被对手击败了。)
- They walloped the team in the championship match.(他们在冠军赛中击败了对方队伍。)
- The wallop of the explosion shook the entire building.(爆炸的冲击力震动了整座建筑。)
- He put all his strength into the wallop and knocked his opponent down.(他全力以赴地猛击,将对手击倒。)
- The beer has quite a wallop.(这种啤酒非常烈。)
- She delivered a powerful wallop to the punching bag.(她向沙袋狠狠地打了一拳。)
- The team received a wallop in the final minutes of the game.(这支队伍在比赛的最后几分钟受到了重创。)
- He was walloped by the unexpected news.(他被这个意外的消息打击了。)
- She gave him a wallop on the arm for making a rude comment.(她狠狠地打了他一下,因为他说了粗鲁的话。)
- He walloped the tennis ball over the net.(他猛击着网球,将球击过了网。)
- His powerful wallop sent the opponent flying.(他有力的一击让对手飞起来。)
- She had a wallop of energy after drinking the strong coffee.(喝了浓咖啡后,她精力充沛。)
- The politician's speech packed a wallop and made a lasting impression.(政治家的演讲有力地震撼了人们,并给人留下了深刻的印象。)