形容词 (Adjective)
- 显著的;突出的 - easily noticeable; widely recognized or well-known.
e.g. He played a prominent role in the negotiations.
他在谈判中扮演了一个重要的角色。 - 杰出的;卓越的 - distinguished; outstanding.
e.g. She is a prominent scientist in the field of genetics.
她是遗传学领域的一位杰出科学家。 - 突起的;突出的 - projecting; protruding.
e.g. The mountains form a prominent feature of the landscape.
名词 (Noun)
- 杰出人物;名人 - a person of importance or distinction.
e.g. The conference was attended by many prominents in the field of technology.
词语辨析 (Differentiation)
prominent, outstanding, eminent, renowned, distinguished
- prominent:侧重指在公众中引人注目,广为人知或著名。
- outstanding:指在品质、成就方面非常突出,超过一般水平。
- eminent:多用于指在某个特定领域或职业中享有盛誉的人,也可指出身高贵的人。
- renowned:指因某种品质、特征或成就而有名,多用于文学作品中。
- distinguished:指因杰出的才能、成就或贡献而享有声望。
词汇扩充 (Vocabulary Extension)
prominently (adverb) - in a prominent manner.
prominence (noun) - the state of being prominent or conspicuous.
prominently placed (adj. phrase) - located or positioned in a prominent way.
近义词 (Synonyms)
notable, celebrated, famous, well-known, distinguished
反义词 (Antonyms)
obscure, unknown, insignificant, inconspicuous, ordinary
柯林斯词典 (Collins Dictionary)
- If someone or something is prominent, they are important or famous.
- If something is prominent, it is very noticeable or is an important part of something else.
牛津词典 (Oxford Dictionary)
- Important; famous.
e.g. a prominent American historian
一位著名的美国历史学家 - Projecting from something; protuberant.
e.g. prominent cheekbones
用法 (Usage)
The word "prominent" is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts. It can be used to describe people, objects, or characteristics that are easily noticeable, well-known, or distinguished. It is often used in the fields of business, politics, science, and entertainment to refer to individuals who hold important positions or have achieved notable success. Additionally, "prominent" can also describe physical features that are visibly protruding or projecting.
例句 (Example Sentences)
- The city's most prominent landmark is its towering skyscraper. (城市最显著的地标是高耸的摩天大楼。)
- She is a prominent figure in the fashion industry. (她是时尚界的杰出人物。)
- The company's prominent position in the market is a result of its innovative products. (公司在市场上的突出地位是其创新产品的结果。)
- He has made prominent contributions to the field of medical research. (他对医学研究领域做出了重要贡献。)
- The prominent politician delivered a powerful speech at the conference. (这位知名政治家在会议上发表了一次激动人心的演讲。)
- Her prominent nose gives her a unique look. (她那个突出的鼻子给她带来了独特的形象。)
- He is one of the most prominent architects in the city. (他是城市中最著名的建筑师之一。)
- They held a prominent position in society. (他们在社会上拥有显赫的地位。)
- The prominently placed advertisement caught my attention immediately. (那个位置显著的广告立刻吸引了我的注意。)
- He is a prominent member of the local community. (他是当地社区一个重要的成员。)
- His prominent role in the film earned him critical acclaim. (他在电影中的重要角色使他受到了好评。)
- The prominent building can be seen from miles away. (这座显著的建筑物可以从几英里之外看到。)
- She comes from a prominent political family. (她来自一个显赫的政治世家。)
- They are prominent figures in the fashion industry. (他们是时尚界的重要人物。)
- The prominent scientist was awarded the Nobel Prize. (这位杰出的科学家获得了诺贝尔奖。)
- The prominent hill provides a breathtaking view of the city. (这座突出的山丘提供了城市的壮丽景色。)
- She has a prominent role in the company's decision-making process. (她在公司的决策过程中担任着重要角色。)
- The prominent lawyer successfully defended his client in court. (这位知名的律师在法庭上成功为他的客户辩护。)
- The prominence of the issue in the media sparked a national debate. (该问题在媒体上的突出地位引发了全国性的辩论。)
- He is widely regarded as a prominent expert in the field of economics. (他被广泛认为是经济学领域的杰出专家。)
- The prominent politician was involved in a corruption scandal. (这位显赫的政治家卷入了一桩腐败丑闻。)