1. 刚性的,硬邦邦的:
2. 严格的,死板的:
3. 僵硬的,不灵活的:
rigid, stiff, inflexible, firm
1. rigid:指物体在外力作用下变形或弯曲的抵抗能力强,不易弯曲变形。
2. stiff:指物体不易折弯或弯曲变形,也可用于形容人的态度、举止等。
3. inflexible:指物体或人不可弯曲或不易改变,常指坚决或顽固的态度。
4. firm:指物体不易变形或摇动。
rigidity (n.)
rigidly (adv.)
stiff, inflexible, firm, unbending, unyielding
flexible, pliable, supple, yielding, adaptable
rigid (adj.)
1. Something that is rigid is stiff and does not bend or fold easily.
2. If you say that someone is rigid, you mean that they are very strict and severe.
3. If you say that someone has a rigid attitude or set of ideas, you disapprove of them because they are unwilling to change their ideas or to consider anyone else's.
rigid (adj.)
1. Unable to bend or be forced out of shape; not flexible.
2. Not able to be changed or adapted.
3. (of a person) not willing to change their ideas or consider different opinions.
1. "rigid"作形容词时,通常用来描述物体的刚性、坚硬程度或不可弯曲的特点。
2. "rigid"也可以用来形容人的态度或思想固执不变,不愿意接受其他观点。
3. "rigid"的名词形式为"rigidity"。
- The board is made of rigid plastic. 这块板是由硬塑料制成的。
- He has a rigid schedule that he follows every day. 他有一个每天都遵循的严格时间表。
- The company has a rigid dress code. 公司有严格的着装规定。
- She is known for her rigid beliefs. 她以她的固执信念而闻名。
- The rigid structure of the building makes it earthquake-resistant. 建筑物的刚性结构使其具有抗震能力。
- The rigid rules of the organization leave no room for flexibility. 组织的严格规定不留任何灵活性的余地。
- His rigid adherence to tradition often hinders progress. 他对传统的坚守常常阻碍进步。
- They were met with rigid opposition from the conservative members of the committee. 他们在委员会的保守成员中遭到了坚决的反对。
- The doctor advised him to do stretching exercises to help with his rigid muscles. 医生建议他做拉伸运动来缓解僵硬的肌肉。
- The rigid enforcement of the law ensures order in the society. 法律的严格执行确保了社会的秩序。
- She has a rigid personality and finds it difficult to adapt to new situations. 她性格固执,难以适应新的情况。
- His rigid thinking prevents him from considering alternative solutions. 他的固定思维使他无法考虑其他解决办法。
- The rigid curriculum of the school leaves little room for creativity. 学校的死板课程几乎没有创造空间。
- He lacks the flexibility to adapt to changing circumstances, as he is too rigid in his thinking. 他缺乏适应变化情况的灵活性,因为他的思维太死板。
- The rigid structure of the company does not allow for innovation. 公司的僵化结构不允许创新。
- The rigid hierarchy within the military organization is strictly maintained. 军事组织内部的严格等级制度得到严格维护。
- She has a rigid belief in the importance of education. 她坚定地相信教育的重要性。
- The government's rigid control over the media limits freedom of speech. 政府对媒体的严格控制限制了言论自由。
- He was known for his rigid adherence to the rules. 他因坚守规则而闻名。
- The rigid framework of the project ensured its success. 项目的严谨框架确保了其成功。