- 特朗普大厦(Trump Tower):特朗普大厦是一座位于美国纽约市曼哈顿的摩天大楼,由前美国总统唐纳德·特朗普建造。
- 特朗普塔(Trump Tower):特朗普塔是特朗普国际酒店集团(Trump Organization)在世界各地建造的多个酒店和公寓项目的统称。
特朗普大厦(Trump Tower)是指在纽约市的那座特定的建筑物,而特朗普塔(Trump Tower)则是泛指特朗普国际酒店集团在全球范围内的多个项目。
与特朗普大厦(Trump Tower)相关的常用词汇包括:
- Trump Organization:特朗普国际酒店集团
- Manhattan:曼哈顿
- Skyscraper:摩天大楼
- Real estate:房地产
与特朗普塔(Trump Tower)相关的常用词汇包括:
- Trump International Hotel:特朗普国际酒店
- Apartment:公寓
- Hotel:酒店
- Resort:度假村
特朗普大厦(Trump Tower)的近义词:无
特朗普塔(Trump Tower)的近义词:无
特朗普大厦(Trump Tower)的反义词:无
特朗普塔(Trump Tower)的反义词:无
特朗普大厦(Trump Tower)的用法示例:
- Trump Tower is one of the most recognizable landmarks in New York City.
- The penthouse apartment at Trump Tower offers stunning views of Manhattan.
- Many tourists visit Trump Tower to experience the luxury shopping and dining options.
特朗普塔(Trump Tower)的用法示例:
- Trump Tower in Las Vegas is a popular destination for travelers looking for a luxurious hotel experience.
- The Trump Tower in Chicago offers luxury apartments with panoramic views of the city.
- She stayed at the Trump Tower in Miami during her vacation.
- I saw the Trump Tower from a distance when I visited New York City. 我在参观纽约市的时候远远地看到了特朗普大厦。
- The Trump Tower is a symbol of wealth and luxury. 特朗普大厦是财富和奢华的象征。
- He owns a penthouse in Trump Tower. 他在特朗普大厦拥有一套顶层公寓。
- Trump Tower is located in the heart of Manhattan. 特朗普大厦位于曼哈顿的中心地带。
- The Trump Tower project in Dubai was canceled due to financial difficulties. 迪拜的特朗普塔项目因财务困难而被取消了。
- She booked a suite at the Trump Tower for her honeymoon. 她预订了特朗普塔的套房作为蜜月旅行的住宿。
- The Trump Tower in Vancouver offers luxurious amenities and breathtaking views. 温哥华的特朗普塔提供豪华设施和令人惊叹的景色。
- They held a press conference at Trump Tower to announce their new business venture. 他们在特朗普大厦举行新闻发布会,宣布他们的新业务计划。
- I stayed at the Trump Tower in New York during my business trip. 我在纽约的特朗普大厦住宿了一个商务旅行期间。
- The Trump Tower in Chicago is known for its distinctive design. 芝加哥的特朗普大厦以其独特的设计而闻名。
- She admired the architecture of Trump Tower. 她赞赏特朗普大厦的建筑风格。
- They met at the Trump Tower for a business meeting. 他们在特朗普大厦会面进行商务会议。
- The Trump Tower in Toronto is one of the tallest buildings in the city. 多伦多的特朗普塔是该城市最高的建筑之一。
- He purchased a condo in Trump Tower as an investment. 他购买了特朗普大厦的公寓作为投资。
- The Trump Tower in Istanbul offers stunning views of the Bosphorus. 伊斯坦布尔的特朗普塔提供了波斯普鲁斯海峡的壮丽景色。
- They celebrated their anniversary with a romantic dinner at the Trump Tower. 他们在特朗普大厦庆祝他们的纪念日,共进了一顿浪漫的晚餐。
- The Trump Tower project in Moscow faced numerous challenges before its completion. 莫斯科的特朗普塔项目在竣工之前面临了诸多挑战。
- The Trump Tower in Rio de Janeiro offers exclusive beachfront apartments. 里约热内卢的特朗普塔提供独家的海滨公寓。
- They visited the Trump Tower in Las Vegas during their vacation. 他们在度假期间参观了拉斯维加斯的特朗普塔。
- She took a photo in front of the Trump Tower as a souvenir. 她在特朗普大厦前拍了一张照片作为纪念品。