watch (adj.)- 观察的;监视的;注意的
- 警惕的;警戒的
watch (n.)- 手表
- 时钟
- 守卫;警戒
- 看守;监视
- 观察;观看
注意 (pay attention to):强调对某事物的留意,集中精力去观察或考虑。
观察 (observe):指经过有意识地用眼睛或耳朵察看、听取某一对象或现象。
监视 (monitor):指对某人或某物进行密切监察,以确保安全或获得信息。
警戒 (be on guard):指对可能发生的危险或威胁保持警觉,随时准备应对。
- watchful (adj.):警惕的
- watchfulness (n.):警惕
- watches (n.):守夜;值班
- watcher (n.):观察者;守望者
- watchman (n.):看守人;守夜人
observe, monitor, scrutinize, gaze, behold
ignore, neglect, disregard, overlook
watch (noun): A watch is a small clock that you wear on your wrist. It is used to show the time.
watch (verb): If you watch someone or something, you look at them, usually for a period of time, and pay attention to what happens.
watch (noun): A small timepiece worn typically on a strap on one's wrist or carried in a pocket.
watch (verb): Look at or observe attentively over a period of time.
I always wear a watch on my wrist.
He watches birds in the park every morning.
- I like to watch documentaries about wildlife.
- 我喜欢看关于野生动物的纪录片。
- She keeps a watch on her children at all times.
- 她时刻关注着自己的孩子们。
- Please watch your step on the icy path.
- 请小心脚下的冰滑小道。
- They took turns to watch for any suspicious activity.
- 他们轮流观察是否有可疑活动。
- Can you watch my bag while I go to the restroom?
- 我上洗手间时你能帮我看一下包吗?
- We will watch the sunrise from the mountaintop.
- 我们将在山顶上看日出。
- The security guard is responsible for watching the entrance.
- 保安负责看守入口。
- I'll watch out for any new job postings.
- 我会留意任何新的职位招聘。
- They set up a watch to monitor the suspect's movements.
- 他们设立了一个监视点来监测嫌疑人的动向。
- The lifeguard keeps a careful watch over the swimmers.
- 救生员对游泳者保持着细心的监视。
- I enjoy watching the waves crashing against the shore.
- 我喜欢看海浪拍打着海岸。
- She was watching him from across the room.
- 她从房间对面观察着他。
- He glanced at his watch and realized he was late.
- 他看了一眼手表,意识到自己迟到了。
- We need to watch our spending and save more money.
- 我们需要控制开支,存更多的钱。
- I'll watch over the children while you go shopping.
- 你去购物时,我会照看孩子们。
- She watched with anticipation as the results were announced.
- 她充满期待地看着结果的公布。
- He kept a close watch on the stock market.
- 他密切关注股市。
- The detective was hired to watch the suspect.
- 雇佣了侦探来监视嫌疑犯。
- She watched as the bird flew away.
- 她看着鸟飞走了。
- We should watch our words and be careful not to offend anyone.
- 我们应该注意言辞,小心不冒犯任何人。
- He watched in disbelief as his favorite team lost the game.
- 他不敢相信地看着他最喜欢的队伍输掉比赛。