- 荒芜的
- 荒凉的
- 不毛的
- 废墟
- 荒地
- 荒原
- 不毛之地
1. wasteland与waste land的区别在于前者是一个词,后者是两个单独的单词。
2. wasteland是英式英语中的用法,而waste land是美式英语中的用法。
3. wasteland通常指的是一个荒凉、不毛的地区,而waste land更广泛地指任何荒地或废弃地。
1. barren wasteland - 荒凉的荒地
2. desolate wasteland - 荒凉的荒地
3. uninhabited wasteland - 无人居住的荒地
wilderness, desert, barren, desolation, barrenness
oasis, paradise, fertile land, cultivated land, garden
wasteland (noun)
- Wasteland is an area of land, for example a desert or a marsh, which is not used for any purpose and is in a poor state.
- If someone describes a place or situation as a wasteland, they are criticizing it because it is dull or has no opportunities.
wasteland (noun)
- An uncultivated, barren, or desolate area of land.
- A bleak or uncultivated patch or tract of land.
1. The war left behind a wasteland of destruction.
2. The region has been transformed from a wasteland into a thriving agricultural area.
3. His mind felt like a wasteland, devoid of any creative ideas.
- The abandoned city was nothing but a wasteland of crumbling buildings and overgrown vegetation. (废弃的城市只不过是一片破败的建筑和长满杂草的荒地。)
- After the nuclear disaster, the surrounding area turned into a lifeless wasteland. (核灾后,周围地区变成了一片没有生命的荒原。)
- The economic recession has turned the once prosperous town into a wasteland of unemployment and poverty. (经济衰退把曾经繁荣的小镇变成了一片失业和贫困的荒地。)
- The artist's mind was a creative wasteland, unable to produce any new ideas. (艺术家的思维像一片创作荒地,不能产生任何新的想法。)
- She felt like her life was a wasteland, with no purpose or direction. (她感觉自己的生活像一片荒地,没有目标和方向。)
- The government plans to reclaim the wasteland and turn it into a park. (政府计划开垦这片荒地,将其变成一座公园。)
- His dreams of success turned into a wasteland of disappointment and failure. (他的成功梦想变成了一片失望和失败的荒地。)
- The explorers trekked through the vast wasteland, searching for signs of civilization. (探险者们穿越着广阔的荒地,寻找文明的迹象。)
- The wasteland was a harsh environment, with little water and scarce vegetation. (这片荒地是一个恶劣的环境,水源稀少,植被稀疏。)
- The novel depicted a post-apocalyptic wasteland, where survival was a constant struggle. (这本小说描绘了一个后启示录的荒地,生存是一场持续的斗争。)
- The abandoned factory stood in the middle of a desolate wasteland, a symbol of the town's decline. (废弃的工厂矗立在一片荒凉的荒地中间,象征着这个城镇的衰败。)
- The once fertile land had turned into a barren wasteland due to years of drought. (曾经肥沃的土地因为多年的干旱变成了一片贫瘠的荒地。)
- The city's outskirts were filled with wastelands, abandoned buildings, and empty lots. (城市的郊区到处都是荒地、废弃建筑和空地。)
- The artist found inspiration in the desolation of the wasteland, capturing its beauty in his paintings. (艺术家在荒凉的荒地中找到了灵感,在他的画作中捕捉到了它的美丽。)
- After the war, the country was left in ruins, with entire cities reduced to wastelands. (战后,整个国家变成了废墟,整座城市都变成了荒地。)
- The once bustling shopping mall now stood as a wasteland of boarded-up shops and broken windows. (曾经繁华的购物中心现在成了一片关门店铺和破窗玻璃的荒地。)
- He wandered through the wasteland, searching for any signs of life. (他在荒地中漫游,寻找生命的任何迹象。)
- The old factory was demolished to make way for new construction, leaving behind a wasteland of rubble. (为了给新建筑让路,这座旧工厂被拆除,留下了一片碎石的荒地。)
- The city's outskirts were filled with wastelands, abandoned buildings, and empty lots. (城市的郊区到处都是荒地、废弃建筑和空地。)
- She felt like her life was a wasteland, with no purpose or direction. (她感觉自己的生活像一片荒地,没有目标和方向。)
- His dreams of success turned into a wasteland of disappointment and failure. (他的成功梦想变成了一片失望和失败的荒地。)