1. watercolor /ˈwɔːtərˌkʌlər/ (adj.) 水彩的例句:
1. She is known for her beautiful watercolor paintings.(她以其美丽的水彩画而闻名。)
2. The artist used watercolor techniques to create a soft and delicate effect.(艺术家使用水彩技法制造了柔和细腻的效果。)
1. watercolor /ˈwɔːtərˌkʌlər/ (n.) 水彩画例句:
1. I am taking a watercolor class to improve my painting skills.(我正在上一门水彩画课,以提高我的绘画技巧。)
2. The exhibition features a collection of stunning watercolors by local artists.(这次展览展示了本地艺术家们令人惊叹的水彩画作品。)
水彩画(watercolor)是以水溶性颜料在纸上绘制的一种绘画形式,有时也称为水彩画(aquarelle)。它与丙烯画(acrylic painting)和油画(oil painting)等其他绘画媒介有所不同。
1. watercolorist /ˈwɔːtərˌkʌlərɪst/ (n.) 水彩画家
2. watercoloring /ˈwɔːtərˌkʌlərɪŋ/ (n.) 水彩绘画
3. watercolorful /ˈwɔːtərˌkʌlərfʊl/ (adj.) 水彩画的,多彩的
aquarelle, watercolour
oil painting(油画), acrylic painting(丙烯画)
watercolor (noun) - A watercolor is a picture that you paint using watercolors.(水彩画是用水彩画的颜料绘制的画。)
watercolor (adjective) - Watercolor is used to describe things that are painted using watercolors or are similar to watercolors.(水彩的用于描述用水彩绘制或类似水彩的事物。)
watercolor (noun) - A picture that you paint using watercolors.(用水彩绘制的画。)
watercolor (adjective) - Used to describe a painting that is done using watercolors.(用来描述使用水彩绘制的画。)
- Her watercolor paintings are known for their vibrant colors.(她的水彩画以色彩鲜艳而著称。)
- The artist used different techniques to create textures in her watercolors.(艺术家使用不同的技巧在她的水彩画中创造纹理。)
- I enjoy painting with watercolors because of the transparency and fluidity of the medium.(我喜欢用水彩画因为这种媒介的透明度和流动性。)
- His watercolor landscapes capture the beauty of nature.(他的水彩风景画捕捉到了大自然的美。)
- The exhibition showcases a diverse range of watercolors from different artists.(这次展览展示了不同艺术家的多样水彩画。)
- She studied watercolor techniques under a renowned painter.(她在一位著名画家的指导下学习水彩技巧。)
- The delicate washes of color in her watercolors create a sense of tranquility.(她水彩画中淡淡的色彩洗涤创造出宁静的意境。)
- He prefers to paint landscapes in watercolors because of the softness it brings to the imagery.(他更喜欢用水彩画绘制风景,因为它给图像带来了柔和的效果。)
- She often carries a small watercolor set with her when traveling.(她旅行时经常携带一个小型水彩画盒。)
- Watercolors are a popular medium among artists due to their versatility.(水彩是艺术家们喜欢的媒介之一,因为它们的多功能性。)
- She exhibited her latest watercolors at the local gallery.(她在当地画廊展出了她最新的水彩画。)
- He experimented with different color combinations in his watercolor portraits.(他在水彩肖像中尝试了不同的色彩组合。)
- The artist used bold brushstrokes in her abstract watercolors.(艺术家在她的抽象水彩画中使用了大胆的笔触。)
- The children had fun experimenting with watercolors during art class.(孩子们在美术课上尝试水彩画很有趣。)
- The watercolorist captured the essence of the landscape in his painting.(水彩画家在他的画作中捕捉到了风景的本质。)
- She received an award for her stunning watercolor of a flower bouquet.(她因她一幅令人惊叹的花束水彩画而获得了奖项。)
- The artist used a wet-on-wet technique to create a dreamy effect in her watercolors.(艺术家使用湿画湿技法在她的水彩画中制造出梦幻效果。)
- He is known for his realistic watercolor portraits.(他以他逼真的水彩肖像画而闻名。)
- The watercolors on display showcased the artist's mastery of the medium.(展出的水彩画展示了艺术家对这种媒介的精通。)
- She painted a beautiful watercolor of a sunset over the ocean.(她画了一幅美丽的海上夕阳水彩画。)
- The watercolor workshop provided participants with hands-on experience and guidance.(水彩画研讨会为参与者提供了实践经验和指导。)