英 [ˈweɪstfʊl] 美 [ˈweɪstfəl]
1. 含义
2. 词语辨析
3. 词汇扩充
4. 近义词
5. 反义词
6. 柯林斯词典
【形容词】If you describe activities as wasteful, you disapprove of them because they involve using more of something, such as time, money, or energy, than is necessary or useful. (如果你把某些活动称为浪费,那是因为它们使用了比必要或有用的更多的东西,如时间、金钱或能量。)
7. 牛津词典
【形容词】(of a person, action, or process) using or expending something of value carelessly, extravagantly, or to no purpose. ((人、行动或过程)浪费地、奢侈地或无目的地使用或耗费有价值的东西。)
8. 用法
常用搭配:wasteful of (对...浪费)
英 [ˈweɪstfʊl] 美 [ˈweɪstfəl]
1. 含义
2. 词汇扩充
3. 柯林斯词典
【名词】A wasteful is someone who wastes things, especially time or money. (浪费者是指那些浪费东西的人,尤其是时间或金钱。)
4. 牛津词典
【名词】A wasteful is a person who wastes resources or opportunities. (浪费者是指浪费资源或机会的人。)
- The wasteful use of energy is a major concern for environmentalists. (对能源的浪费是环保人士关注的一个重要问题。)
- He was criticized for his wasteful spending habits. (他因为挥霍的消费习惯受到批评。)
- She felt guilty about being wasteful with food. (她对于浪费食物感到内疚。)
- Don't be wasteful with water; turn off the tap when you're not using it. (不要浪费水资源,不使用时请关掉水龙头。)
- The company implemented measures to reduce wasteful practices. (公司采取措施减少浪费行为。)
- I find it wasteful to throw away perfectly good clothes. (我觉得把完好无损的衣服扔掉很浪费。)
- He is known for his wasteful lifestyle. (他以奢侈的生活方式而闻名。)
- The wastefulness of their actions became apparent when they faced financial difficulties. (当他们面临财务困难时,他们行为的浪费性变得明显起来。)
- She was wastefully extravagant in her use of resources. (她在使用资源上奢侈浪费。)
- The wastrel spent his inheritance in a few months. (那个挥霍者在几个月内花完了他的遗产。)
- He was labeled as a wastrel by his family due to his reckless spending habits. (由于他的挥霍消费习惯,他被家人称为浪荡子。)
- The wasteful refused to change their habits despite the consequences. (即使面临后果,这些浪费者也拒绝改变习惯。)
- She realized her wastefulness only after she had depleted her savings. (她在耗尽储蓄之后才意识到自己的浪费行为。)
- The wastefulness of their actions led to the company's downfall. (他们行为的浪费性导致了公司的衰落。)
- He was tired of the wastefulness he witnessed in society. (他对社会上的浪费现象感到厌倦。)
- They were criticized for their wastefulness in the face of poverty. (面对贫困,他们因为浪费性被批评。)
- She couldn't bear the wastefulness of throwing away perfectly good food. (她无法忍受扔掉完好的食物的浪费行为。)
- His wastefulness was a burden on their relationship. (他的浪费行为对他们的关系造成了负担。)
- The wastrels spent their days in idleness and luxury. (这些挥霍者过着懒散奢华的生活。)
- She regretted her wastefulness when she saw the impact on the environment. (当她看到对环境的影响时,她对自己的浪费行为感到后悔。)
- They were wasteful with their time and missed the opportunity. (他们对时间不珍惜,错失了机会。)