1. 警惕的;小心的
英文解释:being vigilant or cautious
- We need to be watchoutfor any potential dangers.(我们需要对任何潜在的危险保持警惕。)
- Be watchoutfor pickpockets in crowded areas.(在拥挤的地方要小心扒手。)
1. 警戒;小心
英文解释:vigilance; carefulness
- We should always maintain watchoutfor when walking alone at night.(晚上独自行走时,我们应该时刻保持警惕。)
- His constant watchoutfor prevented him from falling into potential traps.(他时刻保持的警戒让他避免了陷入潜在陷阱。)
1. watch out vs. watch out for
英文解释:to be careful or vigilant; to be cautious of something
- Watch out! The road is slippery.(小心!路上很滑。)
- Watch out for ice on the sidewalk.(小心人行道上的冰。)
1. lookout
英文解释:a person who keeps watch or acts as a sentinel
- The hiker climbed to the top of the mountain to get a better lookout.(这位徒步旅行者爬到山顶上以便有更好的视野。)
- The soldiers took turns being on lookout for any approaching enemies.(士兵们轮流放哨,以防有敌人靠近。)
1. beware
英文解释:to be cautious or careful
- Beware of the dog!(小心狗!)
- Beware of scams when shopping online.(网购时要警惕骗局。)
1. let one's guard down
英文解释:to relax one's vigilance or caution
- Don't let your guard down even for a moment in a dangerous area.(在危险区域,连片刻都不能放松警惕。)
- He let his guard down and fell victim to a scam.(他放松了警惕,成为了骗局的受害者。)
1. watch out for + noun
英文解释:to be cautious or vigilant about a specific thing
- Watch out for the speeding cars when crossing the street.(过马路时要小心快车。)
- Watch out for signs of fatigue during long drives.(长途驾驶时要留意疲劳的迹象。)
2. watch out + for + noun/verb-ing
英文解释:to be cautious or vigilant about something happening or someone doing something
- Watch out for falling objects when walking through the construction site.(穿过建筑工地时要小心掉落物品。)
- Watch out for cars turning right without using their indicators.(小心右转而不使用指示灯的车辆。)
Be watchoutfor any suspicious activities in the area.(对该地区的任何可疑活动保持警惕。)
He always watched out for his younger sister, making sure she was safe.(他总是照顾着他的妹妹,确保她安全。)
Watch out for the icy patches on the road.(小心路上的冰斑。)
They were warned to watch out for pickpockets in the crowded market.(他们被告知要在拥挤的市场上小心扒手。)
When hiking in the mountains, it's important to watch out for wild animals.(在山区徒步旅行时,小心野生动物是很重要的。)
Watch out! The glass is fragile.(小心!玻璃很脆。)
Watch out for cyclists on the bike path.(在自行车道上小心骑车人。)
She always watched out for her friend's safety.(她总是关心她朋友的安全。)
Watch out for cars coming from both directions.(小心两个方向的车辆。)
Watch out! The floor is wet.(小心!地板是湿的。)
Watch out for the signs of a scam.(留意骗局的迹象。)
He watched out for his sister's safety at the playground.(他在游乐场上关心着他妹妹的安全。)
Watch out for the dog, it bites.(小心那只狗,它会咬人。)
Watch out! The tree is about to fall.(小心!树要倒了。)
Watch out for the sharp edges on the box.(小心盒子上的尖角。)
You should watch out when using the kitchen knife.(使用厨房刀时要小心。)
Watch out for pedestrians when driving in the city.(在城市开车时要小心行人。)
Watch out! The bridge is slippery.(小心!桥上很滑。)
Watch out for the train approaching the platform.(小心火车进站。)
Watch out! The stairs are steep.(小心!楼梯很陡。)
Watch out for cars running the red light.(小心闯红灯的车辆。)
You should always watch out for pedestrians when riding a bicycle.(骑自行车时应该时刻注意行人。)