形容词: 1. 水彩的,用水彩画的 名词: 1. 水彩画,水彩颜料 2. 水彩画法,水彩画技法 词语辨析: - watercolor与watercolour:两者是同一个词,只是英式英语和美式英语的不同拼写形式。 词汇扩充: 1. watercolorist:水彩画家 2. watercoloring:水彩画法 3. watercoloristic:水彩画的,水彩画家的 4. watercolorfully:用水彩画的方式 近义词: 1. watercolour:水彩画,水彩颜料 2. aquarelle:水彩画 3. wash:水彩画的一种技法 反义词: 1. oil painting:油画柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)定义:
名词: 1. A watercolor is a picture that you paint using watercolors. - Example: She was working on a watercolor of a bird.牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)定义:
名词: 1. A watercolor is a painting that you do using watercolors. - Example: She was known for her watercolors of landscapes.用法:
名词用法: - A watercolor can refer to both the artwork created using watercolors and the technique itself. - Watercolors are often used to create delicate and translucent paintings. 形容词用法: - Watercolor is used as an adjective to describe things related to or characteristic of watercolors.例句:
- The room was decorated with beautiful watercolor paintings. (房间里挂着美丽的水彩画。)
- She prefers working with watercolor paints rather than acrylics. (她更喜欢用水彩颜料而不是丙烯颜料。)
- He is a talented watercolorist, known for his vibrant landscapes. (他是一位才华横溢的水彩画家,以其生动的风景画而闻名。)
- She used a delicate watercolor technique to capture the beauty of the flowers. (她用精致的水彩技法捕捉花朵的美丽。)
- The artist used different washes to create depth in the watercolor painting. (艺术家使用不同的水彩画法为水彩画增添深度。)
- Her watercolor artwork evokes a sense of tranquility and serenity. (她的水彩作品唤起了宁静和宁谧的感觉。)
- He experimented with various watercolor techniques to achieve the desired effect. (他尝试了多种水彩技法以达到期望的效果。)
- The exhibition showcased a collection of stunning watercolors by local artists. (展览展示了当地艺术家们令人惊叹的一系列水彩画作品。)
- She was inspired by the vibrant colors and loose brushwork of traditional Chinese watercolor. (她受到传统中国水彩的鲜艳色彩和潇洒笔触的启发。)
- The delicate layers of paint give the watercolor a luminous quality. (精细的涂层使水彩画具有明亮的质感。)
- He used a wet-on-wet technique to create a soft and blended effect in his watercolor painting. (他使用潮湿-潮湿的技法在水彩画中创造出柔和而混合的效果。)
- The artist's watercolor palette consisted of a range of vibrant colors. (艺术家的水彩调色盘包含了多种鲜艳的颜色。)
- She studied the works of famous watercolorists to improve her own technique. (她研究了著名水彩画家的作品以提高自己的技巧。)
- Her watercolor landscapes captured the beauty of nature in a unique way. (她的水彩风景画以独特的方式捕捉了大自然的美丽。)
- The artist used different brushes to achieve different effects in her watercolor artwork. (艺术家在她的水彩作品中使用不同的画笔以达到不同的效果。)
- He taught a workshop on watercolor techniques at the local art center. (他在当地艺术中心教授水彩技法的研讨会。)
- The watercolor painting depicted a peaceful countryside scene. (水彩画描绘了一个宁静的乡村场景。)
- She used a limited color palette for her watercolor portrait, focusing on capturing the subject's expression. (她在水彩肖像画中使用了有限的调色板,专注于捕捉被画者的表情。)
- His watercolor illustrations brought the children's book to life. (他的水彩插图使儿童书籍栩栩如生。)
- The artist created a series of abstract watercolors inspired by the changing seasons. (艺术家创作了一系列受季节变化启发的抽象水彩画。)