1. The water in the lake is crystal clear. (湖水非常清澈。)
2. It's raining. Don't forget to bring your umbrella to keep yourself dry from the water. (正在下雨,别忘了带伞,以免被雨水淋湿。)
3. The city is surrounded by water, making it a beautiful place to live. (这座城市四面环水,是个美丽的居住地。)
4. The boat sailed across the calm waters of the lake. (船在湖面上平静的水中航行。)
5. This soap contains moisturizing agents that help retain water in the skin. (这种肥皂含有保湿剂,有助于保持皮肤水分。)
6. Farmers use irrigation systems to supply water to their crops. (农民使用灌溉系统为农作物供水。)
7. Would you like a glass of water or a cup of tea? (你想要一杯水还是一杯茶?)
8. The ship sailed across the open waters of the Atlantic Ocean. (船只穿越大西洋的开阔海域。)
9. She wiped away her tears with a tissue. (她用纸巾擦去了眼泪。)
1. The water temperature in the pool was too cold for swimming. (游泳池中的水温太冷,不能游泳。)
2. The plants need regular watering to keep the soil moist. (植物需要定期浇水,保持土壤湿润。)
3. She has a water spirit, always drawn to the ocean. (她有一种对水的特殊情感,总是被海洋吸引。)
4. The artist used various shades of blue and green to create a water effect in the painting. (艺术家使用了不同的蓝色和绿色来在画中创造出水的效果。)
water 和 liquid 同义,都指液体。但 water 多指自然界的水,如河水、湖水等;而 liquid 泛指一切液体。
1. The water in the river was crystal clear. (河水非常清澈。)
2. The liquid in the bottle is orange juice. (瓶子里的液体是橙汁。)
1. Water is a clear thin liquid that has no color or taste when it is pure. It falls from clouds as rain and enters rivers and seas, where it is used by animals and plants before being evaporated by the sun or flowing into the sea again. Water is a compound of hydrogen and oxygen.
2. You can refer to an area of water, especially a lake, sea, or river, as water.
3. Water is used to refer to a system in which a particular substance is present, especially when it is in the form of droplets.
1. A colorless, transparent, odorless liquid that forms the seas, lakes, rivers, and rain and is the basis of the fluids of living organisms.
2. An area of sea, lake, or river, especially one that is surrounded by land.
3. The quality of transparency and brilliance shown by a diamond or other gem.
1. drink water: 喝水
2. pour water: 倒水
3. boil water: 烧开水
4. pure water: 纯净水
5. water supply: 水供应
6. water pollution: 水污染
7. water conservation: 水资源保护
8. water sports: 水上运动
9. watercolor painting: 水彩画
10. water cycle: 水循环
11. under water: 在水下
12. above water: 在水面上
13. waterproof: 防水的
14. watermelon: 西瓜
15. waterfall: 瀑布
16. waterway: 水道
17. waterlogged: 浸水的
18. watercolor: 水彩
19. waterski: 滑水
20. watershed: 分水岭