1. 水压的(Water Pressure) - 英文解释:relating to or measuring the pressure exerted by a column of water. - 例句: - The watercolumn pressure at that depth is too high for humans to survive.(那个深度的水压对人类来说太高,无法生存。) - The submarine is designed to withstand high watercolumn pressures.(该潜艇设计用来承受高水压。)名词(Noun)
1. 水柱(Column of Water) - 英文解释:a vertical body of water, especially a column-like body of water in the ocean or atmosphere. - 例句: - The watercolumn in the aquarium provides a habitat for various aquatic species.(水族箱中的水柱为各种水生物种提供了栖息地。) - The watercolumn in the ocean is influenced by tides and currents.(海洋中的水柱受潮汐和洋流的影响。) 2. 水压(Water Pressure) - 英文解释:the pressure exerted by a column of water due to the force of gravity. - 例句: - The watercolumn in the pipe creates the necessary pressure for the sprinkler system.(管道中的水压为喷头系统提供了必要的压力。) - The watercolumn in the well determines the flow rate of the water pump.(井中的水压决定了水泵的流量。)词语辨析
- 水压(Water Pressure):指由于重力作用而由水柱施加的压力。 - 水柱(Column of Water):指在海洋或大气中形成的类似柱状的水体。词汇扩充
- water level(水位):the height of the surface of a body of water above a reference point. - water depth(水深):the distance from the surface of the water to the bottom. - water volume(水体积):the quantity of water contained in a particular space or region. - water flow(水流):the movement of water in a specific direction or pattern.近义词(Synonyms)
- hydrostatic pressure(静水压) - hydraulic pressure(液压压力)反义词(Antonyms)
- atmospheric pressure(大气压)柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
watercolumn [noun] - a vertical body of water, esp one in the atmosphere or ocean - the height, usually measured in millimetres or inches, that a column of water would extend above a given point, esp above a lake or sea, usually the mean level of the water surface: used as a measure of atmospheric pressure牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
watercolumn [noun] - a vertical column of water, typically one that is regarded as extending from the sea floor to the sea surface用法
- The watercolumn in the ocean is affected by various factors such as temperature and salinity. - Engineers need to consider the watercolumn pressure when designing underwater structures. - The measurement of watercolumn height can provide information about atmospheric pressure.例句
- The watercolumn in the pipe creates the necessary pressure for the sprinkler system.(管道中的水压为喷头系统提供了必要的压力。)
- The watercolumn in the well determines the flow rate of the water pump.(井中的水压决定了水泵的流量。)
- The watercolumn pressure at that depth is too high for humans to survive.(那个深度的水压对人类来说太高,无法生存。)
- The submarine is designed to withstand high watercolumn pressures.(该潜艇设计用来承受高水压。)
- The watercolumn in the aquarium provides a habitat for various aquatic species.(水族箱中的水柱为各种水生物种提供了栖息地。)
- The watercolumn in the ocean is influenced by tides and currents.(海洋中的水柱受潮汐和洋流的影响。)
- The watercolumn height in the lake is measured to determine the atmospheric pressure.(测量湖中的水柱高度以确定大气压力。)
- The watercolumn extends from the sea floor to the sea surface.(水柱从海底延伸到海面。)
- The watercolumn provides a suitable environment for deep-sea creatures.(水柱为深海生物提供了适宜的环境。)
- The watercolumn depth in this area is about 100 meters.(该地区的水深约为100米。)
- The watercolumn volume of the lake has decreased due to drought.(由于干旱,该湖的水体积减少了。)
- The water flow in the river is strong after heavy rainfall.(大雨后,河流的水流很猛。)
- The water flow rate can be controlled by adjusting the valve.(通过调节阀门可以控制水流速率。)
- The water level in the reservoir has risen significantly.(水库的水位显著上升。)
- The water level measurement is essential for flood prediction.(水位测量对洪水预测至关重要。)
- The water depth in this part of the ocean exceeds 2000 meters.(该海洋区域的水深超过2000米。)
- The water depth of the swimming pool is suitable for diving.(游泳池的水深适合潜水。)
- The water pressure at the bottom of the lake is higher than at the surface.(湖底的水压高于水面。)
- The water pressure in the pipe is regulated by the pump.(泵会调节管道中的水压。)
- The water pressure measurement indicates a leak in the plumbing system.(水压测量显示管道系统有漏水。)
- The water pressure decreases as the water moves up the pipe.(水流向上移动时,水压减小。)