"whereof"主要用于正式和文学语境中,有时可以与"of which"互换使用。
相关形容词:whereon, whereat, wherein, where
of which, of what
to which, to what
whereof (adverb)
You use whereof to introduce a comment or statement about the thing that you have just referred to.
whereof (pronoun)
You use whereof to introduce a comment or statement about the thing that you have just referred to.
whereof (pronoun)
Of or concerning which or whom.
whereof (adverb)
Of which; of what.
- He spoke of the war, whereof he had personal experience. (他谈到了这场战争,这是他有亲身经历的事情。)
- Please provide a detailed report on the project, whereof you are the team leader. (请提供一份关于这个项目的详细报告,你是这个项目的团队负责人。)
- The company has decided to end the partnership, the reasons whereof are not yet clear. (公司决定结束合作关系,其原因尚不清楚。)
- He received a letter, the contents whereof he kept to himself. (他收到了一封信,其内容他独自保留。)
- The witness provided crucial information, whereof the defense was previously unaware. (证人提供了重要的信息,这是辩护方之前不知道的。)
- She inherited a valuable antique, the history whereof she researched extensively. (她继承了一件有价值的古董,她对其历史进行了广泛的研究。)
- He mentioned a book, whereof the title escapes me. (他提到了一本书,我记不起来它的标题。)
- We discussed the matter, the details whereof are confidential. (我们讨论了这个问题,其细节是机密的。)
- The exhibit showcases various artworks, the origins whereof span across different centuries. (展览展示了各种艺术作品,其来源跨越了不同的世纪。)
- He made a statement, the accuracy whereof is currently being investigated. (他发表了一份声明,其准确性目前正在调查中。)
- I received an invitation, whereof I am honored to accept. (我收到了一份邀请,我很荣幸地接受了。)
- The document contains sensitive information, the disclosure whereof is strictly prohibited. (该文件包含敏感信息,其披露严格禁止。)
- The painting depicts a beautiful landscape, the subject whereof is a small village. (这幅画描绘了一个美丽的风景,其主题是一个小村庄。)
- He mentioned an incident, the details whereof were unknown to me. (他提到了一件事情,其细节我不知道。)
- The company reported a loss, the extent whereof was unexpected. (公司报告了一项亏损,其程度出乎意料。)
- She received a scholarship, the conditions whereof required maintaining a high GPA. (她获得了一份奖学金,其条件要求保持高绩点平均分。)
- The professor delivered a lecture, the topic whereof was of great interest to the students. (教授进行了一次讲座,其主题对学生们来说非常有趣。)
- He mentioned a theory, the validity whereof has been debated among scholars. (他提到了一个理论,其有效性在学者中间一直存在争议。)
- We discussed a plan, the implementation whereof requires careful consideration. (我们讨论了一个计划,其实施需要仔细考虑。)
- He made a promise, the fulfillment whereof is yet to be seen. (他作出了一个承诺,其履行尚待观察。)