whined vs complained:
whined vs whimpered:
whine (verb):
If someone whines, they complain in an annoying, crying voice, especially about something that is not very important.
whine (noun):
A whine is an annoying, crying sound that someone makes when they complain about something.
whine (verb):
(of a person) make a high-pitched, irritating sound.
whine (noun):
A high-pitched, complaining cry or sound.
1. whine as a verb:
- The child whined all the way to the store.
- She whined about having to do her homework.
- The dog whined at the door, wanting to go outside.
2. whine as a noun:
- The constant whine of the mosquito kept me awake all night.
- Her whine of dissatisfaction annoyed everyone in the room.
- The teacher ignored the student's whine and continued the lesson.
1. 她一边抱怨一边哀叹着。
She whined and moaned at the same time.
2. 孩子们一直哀叹着说他们无聊。
The children whined about being bored.
3. 狗以尖锐的声音哀叹着,想要进屋。
The dog whined in a high-pitched tone, wanting to come inside.
4. 让他们哀叹吧,我们照常进行。
Let them whine, we'll carry on as usual.
5. 她的抱怨声让我头疼。
Her whine gives me a headache.
6. 小狗的哀叹声让人心疼。
The puppy's whine is heart-wrenching.
7. 他一直哀叹着说他的生活有多么糟糕。
He whined endlessly about how terrible his life was.
8. 我无法忍受她无休止的抱怨声。
I can't stand her endless whining.
9. 孩子们的哀叹声填满了整个房间。
The children's whines filled the entire room.
10. 他的哀叹声使得气氛更加沉闷。
His whine made the atmosphere even more gloomy.
11. 我听到他一声哀叹,就知道他又在抱怨了。
I knew he was complaining again when I heard his whine.
12. 她总是抱怨,从早到晚都在哀叹。
She is always complaining, whining from morning till night.
13. 他的哀叹声让我的耳朵生疼。
His whine is hurting my ears.
14. 她的哀叹声听起来像个小女孩。
Her whine sounds like that of a little girl.
15. 我不想再听到你的哀叹声。
I don't want to hear your whining anymore.
16. 孩子们一直哀叹着要更多的糖果。
The children whined for more candy.
17. 狗哀叹着,想要主人的注意。
The dog whined, seeking the owner's attention.
18. 他的哀叹声表明他并不满意。
His whine indicated his dissatisfaction.
19. 她的哀叹声让我心烦意乱。
Her whine leaves me feeling annoyed.
20. 他的哀叹声让我感到不耐烦。
His whining makes me impatient.