1. 汉译:辉格党的,辉格派的
2. 英译:relating to or characteristic of the Whigs
1. 汉译:辉格党人,辉格派人
2. 英译:a member or supporter of the Whig party
3. 汉译:辉格党,辉格派
4. 英译:a member or supporter of the British political party that was opposed to the Tories and existed from the late 17th century until the mid-19th century
1. Whiggish:形容词,汉译为“辉格党的,辉格派的”,英译为“resembling or characteristic of a Whig”
liberal, progressive, reformist
Tory, conservative
Whig (noun)
- 在英国历史上指拥护清教徒的政治派别。
- 在美国历史上指美国共和党的成员或支持者。
Whig (adjective)
- 与Whig党有关的;辉格党的。
Whig (noun)
- 在英国历史上指拥护清教徒的政治派别。
- 在美国历史上指美国共和党的成员或支持者。
Whig (adjective)
- 与Whig党有关的;辉格党的。
1. The Whigs and the Tories were the two main political parties in England during the 18th and 19th centuries.
2. He identified himself as a Whig and supported their policies.
1. The Whigs were in power for much of the 18th century.
2. Whigs and Tories fought bitterly over the issue of religious toleration.
3. He joined the Whig party and actively campaigned for their candidate.
4. The Whigs advocated for parliamentary reform and increased civil liberties.
5. Many Whigs were supportive of religious dissenters and sought to protect their rights.
6. The Whig government introduced several social and economic reforms.
7. The Whig party was known for its support of industrialization and free trade.
8. The Whigs sought to limit the power of the monarchy and increase the authority of Parliament.
9. Whiggish intellectuals played a significant role in shaping political discourse during that era.
10. The Whig ideology emphasized individual rights and freedoms.
11. The Whig party gradually lost support and influence in the mid-19th century.
12. Whigs and Tories often clashed over issues of taxation and trade policy.
13. The Whigs championed the cause of religious freedom and equality.
14. The Whigs were associated with urban interests and the emerging middle class.
15. The Whig government implemented policies to promote economic growth and industrial development.
16. Whig politicians were known for their support of constitutional reform.
17. The Whigs advocated for greater representation of the middle class in government.
18. The Whigs were successful in passing legislation to limit the power of the monarchy.
19. The Whig party was known for its support of religious tolerance and pluralism.
20. Whig ideology influenced the development of liberal political thought.