1. wheezing (adj.)中文翻译:喘息的,喘鸣的
例句:He has been experiencing wheezing breath sounds since the asthma attack. (自从哮喘发作以来,他一直有喘息的呼吸声。)
1. wheezing (n.)中文翻译:喘息声,喘鸣声
例句:The doctor listened to his chest and heard wheezing. (医生听了听他的胸部,听到了喘鸣声。)
1. wheezing vs. panting中文翻译:喘息 vs. 喘气
1. wheeze (v.)中文翻译:喘息,喘鸣
例句:She started to wheeze heavily after running for a long time. (她跑了很久后开始重重地喘息起来。) 2. wheezy (adj.)
例句:He has a wheezy cough due to his respiratory condition. (由于呼吸系统的状况,他咳嗽时有喘息声。)
1. breathlessness (n.)中文翻译:气短,呼吸困难
例句:The climb left her with a sense of breathlessness. (攀登使她感到气短。) 2. asthma (n.)
例句:Exercise-induced asthma can cause wheezing during physical exertion. (运动性哮喘会导致运动时出现喘息声。)
1. clear-breathing (adj.)中文翻译:呼吸畅通的
例句:After the treatment, his airways were clear-breathing again. (治疗后,他的气道再次畅通起来。)
Wheezing (noun): If someone has wheezing, they are making a high-pitched sound when they breathe, usually because they are sick or have difficulty breathing.
Wheezing (noun): A high-pitched whistling sound made while breathing, especially when breathing out, as a result of a respiratory disorder.
- She woke up wheezing and struggling to breathe. (她醒来时喘息不停,呼吸困难。)
- The child's wheezing subsided after using the inhaler. (孩子使用了雾化器后,喘息声逐渐减弱。)
- His persistent wheezing led him to seek medical attention. (他持续的喘息声使他寻求医疗帮助。)
- The wheezing sound could be heard from across the room. (喘息声从房间的另一边传来。)
- During the asthma attack, she experienced severe wheezing. (在哮喘发作期间,她经历了严重的喘息声。)
- He struggled to breathe, his chest wheezing with each inhalation. (他呼吸困难,每次吸气时胸部都有喘息声。)
- After running a marathon, he was left wheezing and gasping for air. (跑完马拉松后,他喘息不止,大口大口地喘气。)
- The doctor used a stethoscope to listen for any wheezing in the patient's lungs. (医生用听诊器来听患者肺部是否有喘息声。)
- The wheezing in her chest was a sign of a respiratory infection. (她胸部的喘息声是呼吸道感染的征兆。)
- She woke up in the middle of the night, wheezing and struggling to catch her breath. (她半夜醒来,喘息不止,努力吸气。)
- His wheezing improved after taking the prescribed medication. (他服用了医生开的药后,喘息有所改善。)
- The child's wheezing was a result of an allergic reaction to pollen. (孩子的喘息声是对花粉过敏反应的结果。)
- She felt a tightness in her chest and heard wheezing when she tried to breathe deeply. (她感到胸部紧迫,并在试图深呼吸时听到喘息声。)
- His wheezing was so severe that he had to be hospitalized. (他的喘息声非常严重,不得不住院治疗。)
- The doctor prescribed an inhaler to relieve his wheezing. (医生开了一个雾化器来缓解他的喘息。)
- She could hear wheezing coming from the next room. (她能听到隔壁房间传来的喘息声。)
- The child's wheezing was accompanied by a persistent cough. (孩子的喘息声伴随着持续的咳嗽。)
- His wheezing was worse at night when he lay down to sleep. (他躺下睡觉时,他的喘息声更加严重。)
- The doctor recommended avoiding triggers that could lead to wheezing episodes. (医生建议避免可能导致喘息发作的刺激物。)
- She could hear wheezing in her lungs when she took a deep breath. (她深呼吸时能听到她的肺部有喘息声。)