whereby [wɛərˈbaɪ]: 1. 通过哪种手段或方法; 凭借什么方式; 从而 2. (协议或法律文件中的)依据,根据形容词
whereby [wɛərˈbaɪ]: 1. 通过哪种手段或方法的; 凭借什么方式的; 从而的 2. (协议或法律文件中的)依据的,根据的词语辨析
whereby 和 by which 都可以用来表示“通过哪种手段或方法”。它们可以互换使用。词汇扩充
1. whereby + 主语 + 谓语 + 宾语: 通过哪种方式/手段,主语进行了某个动作或达到了某个目的。 2. whereby + 主语 + 谓语 + 宾语 + 从句: 通过哪种方式/手段,主语进行了某个动作或达到了某个目的,并且从句进一步解释说明。近义词
通过哪种方式/手段: by which, through which, by means of which反义词
whereby: 通过这种方法牛津词典
whereby: 通过这种方式用法
1. 用于引导方式状语从句,表示通过某种方式或手段进行某个动作或达到某个目的。 2. 用于引导依据状语从句,表示根据某个协议或法律文件。例句
- The company has implemented a new system whereby employees can work remotely.(公司已经实施了一种新的系统,员工可以远程工作。)
- She devised a plan whereby all team members could contribute equally.(她设计了一个计划,所有团队成员都能平等地贡献。)
- We have established a partnership whereby we can share resources and collaborate on projects.(我们建立了一种合作伙伴关系,可以共享资源并在项目上进行合作。)
- The contract includes a clause whereby either party can terminate the agreement with 30 days' notice.(合同中包含一项条款,根据该条款,任何一方都可以在提前30天通知的情况下终止协议。)
- The new policy outlines a process whereby employees can submit their ideas for improvement.(新政策概述了一种流程,员工可以通过该流程提交他们的改进意见。)
- We have developed a system whereby customers can track their orders online.(我们开发了一种系统,顾客可以在线跟踪他们的订单。)
- The college offers a scholarship program whereby students from low-income families can receive financial aid.(该学院提供一个奖学金计划,低收入家庭的学生可以获得资助。)
- The agreement includes a provision whereby the company can terminate the contract if certain conditions are not met.(协议中包含一项条款,如果不满足某些条件,公司可以终止合同。)
- They have developed a system whereby users can access their accounts securely.(他们开发了一种系统,用户可以安全地访问他们的账户。)
- The government has implemented new regulations whereby companies must disclose their environmental impact.(政府已经实施了新的法规,公司必须披露他们的环境影响。)
- We have established a process whereby employees can provide feedback on their supervisors.(我们建立了一个流程,员工可以对他们的主管提供反馈。)
- She devised a system whereby students can sign up for extracurricular activities.(她设计了一个系统,学生可以报名参加课外活动。)
- The company has implemented a policy whereby employees can work flexible hours.(公司已经实施了一项政策,员工可以弹性工作时间。)
- We have developed a platform whereby users can connect with each other and share information.(我们开发了一个平台,用户可以相互连接并分享信息。)
- They have established a partnership whereby they can exchange resources and collaborate on projects.(他们建立了一种伙伴关系,可以交换资源并在项目上进行合作。)
- The contract includes a provision whereby either party can request arbitration in case of a dispute.(合同中包含一项条款,任何一方在发生争议时都可以请求仲裁。)
- The new policy outlines a procedure whereby employees can report workplace incidents.(新政策概述了一种流程,员工可以报告工作场所事件。)
- The government has implemented measures whereby citizens can report corruption anonymously.(政府已经实施了一些措施,公民可以匿名举报腐败行为。)
- We have developed a system whereby customers can provide feedback on our products.(我们开发了一种系统,顾客可以对我们的产品提供反馈。)
- The agreement includes a clause whereby the company can terminate the contract if payment is not received within 30 days.(协议中包含一项条款,如果在30天内未收到付款,公司可以终止合同。)