wheeZe [wiːz]
1. 喘息的,呼哧呼哧的
2. 带有喘息声的
wheeZe [wiːz]
1. 喘息,呼哧声
2. 哮喘
1. 形容词wheeZe表示呼吸困难或呼吸发出的声音,常用于形容人或动物的喘息声、呼哧声等。
2. 名词wheeZe指喘息声或哮喘,特指呼吸道疾病引起的喘息。
1. wheezy [形容词]:喘息的,呼哧呼哧的。例:He has a wheezy cough.
2. wheezily [副词]:带有喘息声地。例:She breathed wheezily.
3. wheeziness [名词]:喘息,呼哧声。例:The wheeziness in his chest was a symptom of his asthma.
- gasp [名词]:喘息,喘气
- pant [名词]:气喘,喘息
- breathlessness [名词]:喘息,气喘
- breathe [动词]:呼吸
- inhale [动词]:吸入
- exhale [动词]:呼出
wheeze [noun]
1. a whistling or more or less musical sound caused by air passing through a narrowed opening in the respiratory tract, as in asthma and emphysema
2. a similar sound heard in the pipe of an organ, etc., when the air supply is short
wheeze [verb]
1. (intransitive) to breathe or utter (something) with a rasping or whistling sound
2. (intransitive) to make or move with such a sound
3. (intransitive) to proceed, esp laboriously or tediously
4. (transitive) to bring (a person) into a specified state by cheating, trickery, or persuasion
wheeze [noun]
1. a whistling or rattling sound in the chest, especially when breathing out, caused by tightness or blockage in the airways
2. a simple tune played on a pipe or organ
wheeze [verb]
1. (of a person) breathe with a whistling or rattling sound in the chest, especially when breathing out, due to asthma or bronchitis
2. move or go with a wheezing sound
3. (of an organ or pipe) produce a sound resembling a wheeze
4. (informal) obtain or achieve something by cleverness or trickery
5. (informal) speak or write about something at tedious length
1. He has a wheezy cough.
2. She breathed wheezily.
3. The wheeziness in his chest was a symptom of his asthma.
- He was wheezing heavily after climbing the stairs.
他上楼梯后喘得很重。 - The old man's breathing was wheezy and labored.
老人呼吸困难而带有喘息声。 - She heard a wheeze coming from the broken pipe.
她听到破裂的管子里传来的呼哧声。 - He tried to play a tune on the wheeze organ.
他试图在风琴上弹奏一支曲子。 - He always has a wheeze to get out of doing work.
他总是有一套计谋来逃避工作。 - The politician's latest wheeze was met with skepticism.
政治家的最新花招遭到了怀疑。 - He wheezed with laughter at the joke.
他哈哈大笑,发出喘息声。 - The asthmatic child wheezed as he played.
哮喘的孩子一边玩一边喘息。 - She wheezed through the narrow passage.
她在狭窄的通道中喘息着前行。 - The old car wheezed its way up the hill.
那辆旧车辆艰难地爬上了山坡。 - He managed to wheeze his way into the exclusive club.
他设法以一些手段进入了这个高级俱乐部。 - He always wheezes on about his favorite topic.
他总是对他最喜欢的话题滔滔不绝。 - The teacher wheezed on and the students grew bored.
老师叨叨个不停,学生们都觉得无聊。 - She wheezed out a few words before collapsing.
她咳出几个字后就晕倒了。 - He managed to wheeze out an apology.
他勉强咽下了一句道歉话。 - The wheezing grew louder as his condition worsened.
随着病情的恶化,喘息声越来越响。 - The child's wheezing subsided after using the inhaler.
孩子使用了吸入器后,呼吸困难的症状减轻了。 - He let out a wheeze of relief as he crossed the finish line.
当他越过终点线时,他发出了一声宽慰的喘息声。 - The doctor listened to his wheeze with a stethoscope.
医生用听诊器听了听他的喘息声。 - She could hear the wheeze in his voice over the phone.