1. 指人或言行中文翻译:异想天开的,反复无常的
例句:He always has whimsical ideas that no one else understands.(他总是有些异想天开的想法,其他人都无法理解。) 2. 指物品或设计
例句:The room was decorated with whimsical furniture and colorful paintings.(房间里摆着古怪的家具和色彩斑斓的画作。)
1. 指人中文翻译:异想天开的人,怪人
例句:The artist was known as a whimsical who created bizarre sculptures.(那位艺术家因创作出奇特的雕塑而被誉为怪人。) 2. 指事物或设计
例句:The carnival was filled with whimsicals, from the performers to the decorations.(嘉年华会场上到处都是古怪的事物,从表演者到装饰品。)
例句:She is whimsical and always comes up with strange ideas.(她很古怪,总是有些奇怪的想法。)
例句:His capricious nature made it difficult for others to predict his actions.(他反复无常的性格让别人难以预测他的行动。)
whimsicalness (n.):异想天开,古怪whimsically (adv.):古怪地,怪异地
whimsicality (n.):古怪,异想天开
fanciful (adj.):幻想的,异想天开的quirky (adj.):古怪的,离奇的
eccentric (adj.):古怪的,怪异的
offbeat (adj.):不合常规的,另类的
conventional (adj.):传统的,常规的serious (adj.):严肃的,认真的
形容词1. 异想天开的;反复无常的
例句:Her whimsical imagination gave her stories a unique charm.(她异想天开的想象力赋予她的故事独特的魅力。)
2. 古怪的;奇特的
例句:The garden was full of whimsical statues and sculptures.(花园里摆满了古怪的雕像和雕塑。) 名词
1. 怪人;异想天开的人
例句:The town had its fair share of whimsicals and eccentrics.(这个小镇上有不少怪人和古怪的人。)
形容词1. 异想天开的;反复无常的;离奇的
例句:He had a whimsical sense of humor that often left people puzzled.(他有一种离奇的幽默感,经常让人困惑。) 名词
1. 怪人;异想天开的人
例句:The artist was known for his whimsicals and unconventional artwork.(那位艺术家以其古怪和非传统的艺术作品而闻名。)
1. 作形容词时,常用于描述人、言行、物品或设计,指其古怪、异想天开的特点。 2. 作名词时,多指怪人、异想天开的人或事物。例句
- She has a whimsical personality and is always coming up with new and unusual ideas.(她性格古怪,总是有新奇而不寻常的想法。)
- The whimsical decorations at the party made it feel like a fairy tale.(派对上的古怪装饰让人感觉像是进入了童话世界。)
- His whimsical sense of fashion often attracted attention on the streets.(他古怪的时尚感常常在街上吸引人们的注意。)
- The whimsical painter was known for his abstract and unconventional artwork.(这位怪异的画家以他的抽象和非传统的艺术作品而闻名。)
- She wore a whimsical hat with feathers and sequins.(她戴着一顶带有羽毛和亮片的古怪帽子。)
- His whimsical behavior often left his friends confused and amused.(他古怪的行为常常让他的朋友感到困惑和开心。)
- The whimsicals in the carnival parade entertained the crowd with their quirky costumes and performances.(嘉年华游行中的古怪角色用他们古怪的服装和表演给人群带来了娱乐。)
- The whimsicals at the art gallery stood out among the more traditional paintings.(艺术画廊中的古怪作品脱颖而出,与更传统的画作形成鲜明对比。)
- Her whimsicalness was evident in her choice of home decor, which included mismatched furniture and vibrant colors.(她的古怪体现在她对家居装饰的选择上,包括不搭调的家具和鲜艳的色彩。)
- The writer's whimsicality made his stories popular among readers who enjoyed imaginative and unconventional narratives.(作家古怪的想象力使他的故事在喜欢富有想象力和非传统叙述的读者中很受欢迎。)