wit (wɪt)
1. (uncountable) Someone's wit is their ability to use words or ideas in a clever, amusing, and inventive way.
2. (countable) A wit is someone who is skilled at using words in a clever and amusing way.
3. (uncountable) Wit is the ability to use words or ideas in a clever, amusing, and inventive way.
1. (approval) Wit is used to describe things or people that are clever and amusing.
wit (noun)
1. (uncountable) The ability to use words in a clever and humorous way.
2. (countable) A person who is skilled at using words in a clever and humorous way.
3. (uncountable) Clever or amusing talk or writing.
wit (adjective)
1. (informal) Showing or characterized by quick and inventive verbal humour.
1. He is known for his wit and intelligence. (他以聪明才智和智慧而闻名。)
2. She is a woman of great wit. (她是个非常聪明的女人。)
3. His wit made everyone laugh. (他的机智让大家都笑了。)
4. The comedian entertained the audience with his quick wit. (这位喜剧演员以他的机智聪明娱乐观众。)
5. Her witty remarks always brighten the conversation. (她机智的言辞总是使对话更加活跃。)
6. Their witless jokes fell flat. (他们毫无智慧的笑话闹了个大笑话。)
7. His witlessness was evident in his foolish actions. (他的愚蠢在他的愚蠢行为中表现出来。)
8. He used his witcraft to win the argument. (他用他的智慧赢得了争论。)
9. She is admired for her cleverness in solving problems. (她因解决问题的聪明而受到赞赏。)
10. The comedian's humor brought smiles to everyone's faces. (喜剧演员的幽默让每个人都笑逐颜开。)
1. He is known for his wit and intelligence. (他以聪明才智和智慧而闻名。)
2. She is a woman of great wit. (她是个非常聪明的女人。)
3. His wit made everyone laugh. (他的机智让大家都笑了。)
4. The comedian entertained the audience with his quick wit. (这位喜剧演员以他的机智聪明娱乐观众。)
5. Her witty remarks always brighten the conversation. (她机智的言辞总是使对话更加活跃。)
6. Their witless jokes fell flat. (他们毫无智慧的笑话闹了个大笑话。)
7. His witlessness was evident in his foolish actions. (他的愚蠢在他的愚蠢行为中表现出来。)
8. He used his witcraft to win the argument. (他用他的智慧赢得了争论。)
9. She is admired for her cleverness in solving problems. (她因解决问题的聪明而受到赞赏。)
10. The comedian's humor brought smiles to everyone's faces. (喜剧演员的幽默让每个人都笑逐颜开。)
11. His quick wit always impresses people. (他的机智总是给人留下深刻印象。)
12. She has a sharp wit that keeps everyone on their toes. (她有一种敏锐的智慧,让每个人都保持警惕。)
13. The writer is known for his wit and wordplay. (这位作家以他的机智和文字游戏而闻名。)
14. The play is full of witty dialogue and clever jokes. (这出戏充满了机智的对话和巧妙的笑话。)
15. Don't be fooled by his serious demeanor, he has a great sense of humor. (不要被他严肃的外表所迷惑,他有很强的幽默感。)
16. The politician used his intelligence to persuade the voters. (这位政治家利用他的智慧说服了选民。)
17. The detective's cleverness helped solve the mysterious crime. (这位侦探的聪明才智帮助解决了这起神秘的犯罪案件。)
18. The child's smartness impressed the teacher. (这个孩子的聪明给老师留下了深刻的印象。)
19. His dullness made the presentation boring. (他的迟钝使得演讲无聊乏味。)
20. I can't stand his constant foolishness. (我受不了他的持续愚蠢行为。)