中英词典 - "wishful thinking"
形容词 - wishful thinking
英文翻译:wishful thinking
- 指对某种事物或情况过于理想化,没有实际依据的思考或期望。
- 指基于希望而非现实的想法或愿望。
名词 - wishful thinking
英文翻译:wishful thinking
- 指一种没有实际根据的、基于个人愿望的想法或期待。
- 指对现实情况缺乏客观判断的思考方式。
wishful thinking 和 delusion 的区别在于:
当一个人有一种明显不切实际的愿望但仍然相信它可能发生时,可以使用 wishful thinking;而 delusion 则指更加严重的错觉,通常与病态心理或严重偏见有关。
其他与 wishful thinking 相关的词汇:
- fantasy:幻想
- illusion:幻觉
- pipe dream:空想
- unrealistic:不切实际的
- unfounded:没有根据的
- self-deception:自欺
wishful thinking 的近义词:
- daydreaming:白日梦
- self-deception:自欺
- fantasy:幻想
wishful thinking 的反义词:
- reality:现实
- realistic:现实的
- practical:实际的
wishful thinking in British English:
- If you describe someone's idea or hope as wishful thinking, you are critical of it because you think it is based on what the person wants to be true rather than on what is actually true. (如果你将某人的想法或期望形容为一厢情愿的想法,那么你对此持批评态度,因为你认为这是基于个人想要成真的愿望而非实际情况。)
- The assumption that the problem will simply disappear is wishful thinking. (假设问题会简单消失是一厢情愿的想法。)
wishful thinking in English:
- Illusionary hope or belief. (虚幻的希望或信念。)
- Interpretation of facts according to what one would like to be the case rather than according to the actual evidence. (根据个人的意愿而非实际证据来解释事实。)
常见用法:It's just wishful thinking. (这只是一厢情愿的想法。)
- His dream of becoming a famous actor was just wishful thinking. (他成为一名著名演员的梦想只是一厢情愿。)
- Thinking that the problem will solve itself is nothing but wishful thinking. (认为问题会自行解决只是一厢情愿的想法。)
- She entertained the wishful thinking that he would propose to her. (她抱着一厢情愿的想法,希望他向她求婚。)
- Believing that everything will be fine without any effort is just wishful thinking. (相信一切都会自然而然地好起来只是一厢情愿的想法。)
- It's time to face reality and stop indulging in wishful thinking. (是时候面对现实,停止沉溺于一厢情愿的想法了。)
- Don't rely on wishful thinking; take action to achieve your goals. (不要依赖一厢情愿的想法,要采取行动来实现你的目标。)
- Wishful thinking won't make your problems disappear. (一厢情愿的想法不会让你的问题消失。)
- She had a tendency to engage in wishful thinking rather than facing the truth. (她有一种倾向,更喜欢一厢情愿地思考而不是面对真相。)
- Wishful thinking can sometimes lead to disappointment. (一厢情愿的想法有时会导致失望。)
- He needs to stop indulging in wishful thinking and start making realistic plans. (他需要停止沉溺于一厢情愿的想法,开始制定现实的计划。)
- Thinking that she will forgive you without any effort on your part is wishful thinking. (认为她会原谅你而你却不做出任何努力,那纯属一厢情愿的想法。)
- You can't rely on wishful thinking to solve your financial problems. (你不能依靠一厢情愿的想法来解决你的财务问题。)
- It's important to have realistic expectations instead of wishful thinking. (与其一厢情愿地想,更重要的是要有现实的期望。)
- Wishful thinking won't change the fact that you need to work hard to achieve your goals. (一厢情愿的想法不会改变你需要努力工作来实现目标的事实。)
- Stop relying on wishful thinking and start taking concrete steps towards your dreams. (停止依赖一厢情愿的想法,开始采取切实行动追寻你的梦想。)
- They believed that their team would win the championship, but it turned out to be wishful thinking. (他们相信他们的团队会赢得冠军,但结果证明这只是一厢情愿的想法。)
- Wishful thinking won't solve the problems in our relationship. We need to communicate and work on them. (一厢情愿的想法不能解决我们关系中的问题。我们需要沟通并努力解决。)
- He had the wishful thinking that she would change her mind and stay with him. (他一厢情愿地以为她会改变主意并与他在一起。)
- Don't waste your time on wishful thinking; take action and make things happen. (不要把时间浪费在一厢情愿的想法上,要采取行动让事情发生。)
- She had the wishful thinking that he would come back to her, but he had moved on. (她一厢情愿地以为他会回到她身边,但他已经继续前进了。)
- It's important to distinguish between wishful thinking and realistic expectations. (区分一厢情愿的想法和现实的期望是很重要的。)