- 名词:威士忌
- 形容词:威士忌的
- 威士忌酒厂:whiskey distillery
- 威士忌品鉴:whiskey tasting
- 威士忌爱好者:whiskey enthusiast
- 威士忌酒杯:whiskey glass
- bourbon:波旁威士忌
- scotch:苏格兰威士忌
- rye:莱姆酒
- vodka:伏特加
- rum:朗姆酒
- gin:杜松子酒
Whiskey is a strong alcoholic drink that is made from grain, usually rye, wheat, or barley.
Whiskey is an alcoholic spirit distilled from malted grain, especially barley or rye.
1. Would you like a glass of whiskey on the rocks?
2. He prefers Irish whiskey over other types.
3. The whiskey distillery offers tours to visitors.
4. She savored the taste of a fine whiskey.
- He poured himself a glass of whiskey after a long day at work. 他在工作了一整天后倒了一杯威士忌。
- She enjoys sipping a glass of whiskey in front of the fireplace. 她喜欢坐在壁炉前小口品味一杯威士忌。
- They sampled a variety of whiskeys during the tasting event. 他们在品鉴活动中品尝了各种威士忌。
- The bartender recommended a smooth whiskey for those who prefer a milder taste. 酒保推荐给那些偏爱温和口感的人一种口感顺滑的威士忌。
- He ordered a shot of whiskey to warm himself up on a cold winter night. 在寒冷的冬夜,他点了一杯威士忌来取暖。
- The aroma of the whiskey filled the room as he opened the bottle. 他打开瓶子时,威士忌的香气弥漫了整个房间。
- They celebrated the occasion with a toast and a glass of whiskey. 他们举杯庆祝这个场合,喝了一杯威士忌。
- He enjoys collecting different types of whiskey from around the world. 他喜欢收集来自世界各地的不同类型的威士忌。
- She added a splash of whiskey to her coffee to give it a little kick. 她在咖啡里加了一点威士忌,让它更有点劲头。
- They gathered around the campfire, passing a bottle of whiskey between them. 他们围坐在篝火旁,相互传递着一瓶威士忌。
- The bartender recommended pairing the whiskey with a piece of dark chocolate. 酒保建议将这款威士忌搭配一块黑巧克力。
- He couldn't resist the temptation and ordered another glass of whiskey. 他忍不住诱惑,再点了一杯威士忌。
- The aroma of oak and vanilla filled the air as he poured the whiskey into a glass. 他将威士忌倒入杯中时,橡木和香草的香气弥漫了空气。
- She celebrated her promotion with a bottle of expensive whiskey. 她用一瓶昂贵的威士忌庆祝她的晋升。
- The whiskey had a smoky flavor with hints of caramel and spice. 这款威士忌具有烟熏味,带有焦糖和香料的味道。
- He swirled the whiskey in his glass before taking a sip. 他在杯中摇动威士忌后才品尝了一小口。
- They enjoyed a glass of whiskey while watching the sunset over the mountains. 他们一边看着山脉上的日落,一边享受着一杯威士忌。
- She bought a bottle of whiskey as a gift for her father's birthday. 她买了一瓶威士忌作为父亲生日的礼物。
- He mixed the whiskey with soda to make a refreshing cocktail. 他将威士忌与苏打水混合,制作了一款清爽的鸡尾酒。
- The whiskey aged for ten years in oak barrels, resulting in a rich and smooth flavor. 这款威士忌在橡木桶中陈酿了十年,味道浓郁而顺滑。