1. 枯萎的;凋谢的
- The flowers are withering in the heat.
- The withering leaves of the tree signaled the onset of autumn.
2. 毁灭性的;严厉的
- She gave a withering reply to his rude comment.
- The critic's withering review of the play caused controversy.
1. 枯萎;凋谢
- The withering of the flowers was a sign that they needed water.
- The withering of the plant was caused by lack of sunlight.
The withering wind dried out the crops in the field.
His withering criticism of her performance left her feeling discouraged.
The withering look she gave him made him regret his words.
Her withering sarcasm cut deep, leaving him speechless.
The withering heat of the desert made it difficult to breathe.
His withering comment exposed the flaws in their argument.
The withering flowers in the garden needed water to revive.
She received withering criticism for her lackluster performance.
The withering stare from her boss made her nervous.
The withering leaves on the tree signaled the arrival of autumn.
His withering words reduced her to tears.
The withering remark she made about his appearance was uncalled for.
Her withering response shut down the conversation completely.
His withering glare made everyone in the room uncomfortable.
The withering criticism of her artwork left her feeling discouraged.
The withering response from the audience showed their disappointment.
She delivered her withering verdict on his proposal, causing him to rethink his approach.
The withering remark he made about her intelligence was uncalled for.
His withering critique of their performance made them question their abilities.
The withering flowers needed to be removed from the garden.
Her withering gaze made him feel small and insignificant.