WISC (adj.)
威斯康辛充电站(Wisconsin Industrial and Science Center)的简称。
WISC (n.)
1. 威斯康辛智力量表(Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children)的缩写,用于评估儿童智力水平。
2. 威斯康辛情绪量表(Wisconsin Inventory of Smoking Dependence Motives)的缩写,用于评估吸烟依赖的动机。
- WISC-R - 威斯康辛智力量表—修订版(Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised)
- WPPSI - 威斯康辛学前儿童智力量表(Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence)
- WAIS - 威斯康辛成人智力量表(Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale)
- NO
- He scored 140 on the WISC test, indicating a high IQ level.(他在WISC测试中得分为140,表明他智商水平很高。)
- The WISC is widely used by psychologists to assess children's cognitive abilities.(心理学家广泛使用WISC来评估儿童的认知能力。)
- According to the WISC results, the child showed above-average performance in verbal comprehension.(根据WISC的结果,这个孩子在语言理解方面表现出了高于平均水平。)
- Her WISC-R scores indicated a significant improvement in her cognitive skills since the last assessment.(她的WISC-R分数表明她的认知能力自上次评估以来有了显著提高。)
- The WISC-R is an updated version of the original WISC test.(WISC-R是原始WISC测试的升级版。)
- The WPPSI is designed to assess the intellectual abilities of preschool and primary school children.(WPPSI旨在评估学龄前和小学儿童的智力能力。)
- The WAIS is commonly used to measure the intelligence of adults.(WAIS通常用来评估成年人的智力。)
- She relied on the WISC scores to determine the appropriate educational interventions for the child.(她依靠WISC的分数来确定适当的教育干预措施。)
- The WISC assesses various cognitive domains including verbal reasoning, perceptual reasoning, and working memory.(WISC评估的认知领域包括语言推理、感知推理和工作记忆等。)
- The WISC provides valuable insights into a child's intellectual strengths and weaknesses.(WISC提供了对儿童智力优势和不足的宝贵见解。)
- His low WISC scores raised concerns about his learning difficulties.(他低下的WISC分数引发了对他学习困难的担忧。)
- She underwent a WISC assessment to determine her eligibility for gifted education programs.(她接受了WISC评估,以确定她是否有资格参加天赋教育项目。)
- The WISC-R is considered a reliable measure of a child's intellectual abilities.(WISC-R被认为是评估儿童智力能力的可靠指标。)
- The psychologist administered the WISC test to the child in a quiet and distraction-free environment.(心理学家在一个安静且没有干扰的环境中对孩子进行了WISC测试。)
- His WISC scores revealed a significant discrepancy between his verbal and nonverbal abilities.(他的WISC分数显示出他的语言和非语言能力之间的显著差异。)
- The WISC-R has been widely used for the assessment of intellectual ability in children for several decades.(几十年来,WISC-R一直被广泛用于评估儿童的智力能力。)
- The WISC-R assesses a wide range of cognitive abilities including memory, attention, and problem-solving skills.(WISC-R评估的认知能力范围广泛,包括记忆、注意力和解决问题的能力等。)
- Her high scores on the WISC-R indicated advanced cognitive abilities for her age.(她在WISC-R上的高分表明她在同龄人中具有先进的认知能力。)
- The WISC-R is widely recognized as a valid and reliable measure of intellectual abilities in children.(WISC-R被广泛认可为评估儿童智力能力的有效可靠指标。)
- His performance on the WISC-R suggested strengths in visual-spatial reasoning and problem-solving.(他在WISC-R上的表现表明他在视觉空间推理和问题解决方面有优势。)
- She scored exceptionally well on the WISC-R, indicating giftedness in multiple cognitive domains.(她在WISC-R上得分异常高,表明在多个认知领域有天赋。)