1. withdrawn
2. withdrawing
1. 撤退 (chètuì)
2. 提款 (tíkuǎn)
3. 戒断 (jièduàn)
4. 撤回 (chèhuí)
5. 退缩 (tuìsuō)
withdrawal 和 retreat 都可以表示“撤退”,但 retreat 常指军队或部队的撤退,而 withdrawal 可以指任何人或组织的撤退。
1. bank withdrawal: 银行提款
2. nicotine withdrawal: 戒烟戒断
3. alcohol withdrawal: 戒酒戒断
1. retreat
2. departure
3. exit
1. deposit
2. addition
3. arrival
withdrawal (noun)
1. the act or process of taking money out of a bank account
2. the act of stopping involvement in an activity, organization, or agreement
3. the act of taking an illegal drug away from someone, or the process of stopping taking an illegal drug
withdrawal (noun)
1. the action of withdrawing something
2. the action of withdrawing money from a bank or other financial account
3. the action of taking an amount of money out of a bank account
4. the process of ceasing to take an addictive drug
5. the process of retreating or taking one's troops back from an enemy or danger zone
6. the action of ceasing to participate in an activity, typically one involving the consumption of a drug
1. I made a withdrawal from the ATM yesterday. (我昨天从ATM机上取了钱。)
2. The company announced its withdrawal from the project. (该公司宣布退出项目。)
3. Drug withdrawal can be a challenging process. (戒毒可以是一个具有挑战性的过程。)
- I need to make a withdrawal from the bank. (我需要从银行取款。)
- After years of addiction, he finally went through withdrawal. (经过多年的瘾症,他终于戒断了。)
- The country's withdrawal from the trade agreement caused widespread concern. (该国退出贸易协定引起了广泛关注。)
- She felt a sudden withdrawal of support from her friends. (她感到朋友们突然不再支持她。)
- The withdrawal of troops from the border eased tensions between the two countries. (从边境撤军缓解了两国之间的紧张局势。)
- He experienced symptoms of nicotine withdrawal after quitting smoking. (戒烟后,他出现了尼古丁戒断症状。)
- The bank charges a fee for each withdrawal. (每次取款银行会收取费用。)
- Withdrawal of the medication should be done gradually. (药物的戒断应该逐渐进行。)
- She made a withdrawal of $100 from her savings account. (她从储蓄账户中提取了100美元。)
- His withdrawal from the race surprised everyone. (他退出比赛让大家感到惊讶。)
- The patient is experiencing withdrawal symptoms. (患者正在经历戒断症状。)
- The army's withdrawal from the region was seen as a strategic move. (军队从该地区撤退被视为战略举措。)
- Withdrawal of consent will result in termination of the agreement. (撤回同意将导致协议终止。)
- He couldn't handle the withdrawal from his daily routine. (他无法处理每天例行的变化。)
- I made a withdrawal from my retirement fund to pay for the trip. (我从退休基金中取出钱来支付旅行费用。)
- She experienced withdrawal symptoms when she stopped taking antidepressants. (她停止服用抗抑郁药后出现了戒断症状。)
- The withdrawal of the army marked the end of the conflict. (军队的撤离标志着冲突的结束。)
- She went through a period of withdrawal after quitting her job. (辞职后她经历了一段退缩的时期。)
- The withdrawal of support from her family left her feeling abandoned. (家人的撤回支持让她感到被抛弃。)
- He suffered from alcohol withdrawal after quitting drinking. (戒酒后,他遭受了酒精戒断症状。)
- The withdrawal of the proposal was met with disappointment. (提案的撤回引起了失望。)