witch doctor (witch doctors)
1. In some societies, a witch doctor is a person who is believed to have magical powers and who uses them to help or harm other people. (在某些社会中)巫医
2. Informal disapproval If you refer to someone as a witch doctor, you disapprove of them because they claim to be able to solve people's problems but you think what they do is nonsense. (非正式)骗子
witch doctor (witch doctors)
1. A traditional healer and spiritual leader, especially in some African societies. (尤指非洲社会的)巫医
2. A person who deliberately creates a false impression of their abilities or knowledge. 骗子
- The villagers seek the help of a witch doctor to cure the sick child.(村民们寻求巫医的帮助来治愈生病的孩子。)
- He claimed to be a witch doctor and promised to bring good fortune to anyone who paid him.(他自称是巫医,并承诺给予支付费用的人带来好运。)
- The witch doctor performed a ritual to ward off evil spirits.(巫医进行了一场驱邪的仪式。)
- Don't be fooled by that witch doctor, his methods are nothing but tricks.(不要被那个巫医欺骗,他的方法只不过是把戏而已。)
- She sought guidance from a witch doctor to solve her personal problems.(她寻求巫医的指导来解决个人问题。)
- Some people believe in the powers of a witch doctor, while others think it's all superstition.(有些人相信巫医的力量,而其他人认为这都是迷信。)
- The witch doctor claimed to have the ability to communicate with spirits.(巫医声称自己有与灵魂交流的能力。)
- He was accused of being a fraud and a witch doctor by the local community.(他被当地社区指责为骗子和巫医。)
- The witch doctor's remedies were believed to have mystical healing properties.(人们相信巫医的疗法具有神秘的治疗效果。)
- She consulted a witch doctor to find a cure for her recurring nightmares.(她咨询了巫医,希望找到治愈她反复出现的噩梦的方法。)
- He claimed to have been trained as a witch doctor by his ancestors.(他声称自己是被祖先培训成巫医的。)
- The witch doctor used herbs and potions in his healing rituals.(巫医在治疗仪式中使用草药和药水。)
- She visited a witch doctor in hopes of finding a solution to her fertility problems.(她拜访了巫医,希望找到解决她的生育问题的方法。)
- The witch doctor was highly respected within the community for his wisdom and knowledge.(这位巫医因其智慧和知识而在社区中备受尊敬。)
- He claimed to have the power to cast spells and curses, just like a witch doctor.(他声称自己有像巫医一样施法和诅咒的能力。)
- She was skeptical of the witch doctor's claims and sought medical advice instead.(她对巫医的说法持怀疑态度,而是寻求医疗建议。)
- The witch doctor performed a ritual dance to invoke the spirits.(巫医进行了一场舞蹈仪式以召唤灵魂。)
- He was accused of using his position as a witch doctor to manipulate and control others.(他被指责利用自己作为巫医的地位来操纵和控制他人。)
- The witch doctor was believed to have the ability to predict the future.(人们相信巫医有预测未来的能力。)
- She sought the help of a witch doctor to break a curse that had been placed on her family.(她寻求巫医的帮助来解除被施加在她家族身上的诅咒。)