1. 高级的;地位高的;高阶的;英:high-ranking, senior
例句:He is a high-ranking officer in the military.(他是一名高级军官。) 2. 普通的;平常的;一般的;
英:ordinary, common
例句:He comes from a common family background.(他出身于一个普通家庭。)
1. 军衔;等级;级别;英:rank, grade
例句:He was promoted to the rank of captain.(他被晋升为上尉军衔。) 2. 队伍;成员;
英:ranks, members
例句:The ranks of unemployed people are increasing.(失业人数正在增加。) 3. 社会阶层;等级;
英:social strata, social classes
例句:She rose from the lower ranks of society to become a successful businesswoman.(她从社会底层崛起,成为一名成功的女商人。) 4. 行列;队列;
英:rows, lines
例句:The students lined up in ranks for the school assembly.(学生们列队参加学校集会。)
"ranks" 和 "grade" 都可以表示等级、级别的意思,但 "ranks" 更常用于军队或组织中的等级,"grade" 则更常用于学校或工作中的等级。词汇扩充:
- rank and file:基层成员- rank and file employees:普通员工
- hierarchy:等级制度- order:秩序;次序
- echelon:梯队;阶层
- elite:精英;上层社会- top:顶级;最高的
柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)定义:
ranks (noun)1. the ordinary or common people; the working class
2. the members of an organization, especially a political or military one
3. (often plural) the position, esp an official one, of a person in a social organization, such as the armed forces
4. a line or row of people or things
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)定义:
ranks (noun)1. a number of people or things arranged in a row or rows
2. the people who form the main body of an organization or profession, excluding the leaders
3. the ordinary people, especially as contrasted with the leadership or elite of a particular group or organization
- Joining the ranks:加入行列- Rise through the ranks:逐级晋升
- The ranks of the unemployed:失业人数
- Promote to a higher rank:晋升到更高级别