1. 关键的,重要的
2. 生死攸关的,极其重要的
3. 有活力的,精力充沛的
1. 要点,要素
2. 生命力,活力
critical, crucial, indispensable, important, key, necessary
nonessential, trivial, unimportant
1. If you describe something as vital, you mean that it is necessary or very important.
2. Vital means concerned with the most basic and important aspects of life.
1. The vital is the most energetic and important time or stage of a person's life.
2. The vitals are the most important and energetic parts of a place or organization.
1. Absolutely necessary or important; essential.
2. Full of energy; lively.
3. (of a bodily organ) absolutely necessary for life.
1. The body's important internal organs, especially the gut or the reproductive organs.
2. The essential core or most important part of something.
1. It is vital to take regular exercise.
2. The heart is a vital organ.
3. Vital signs such as heart rate and blood pressure should be closely monitored.
4. Good nutrition is vital for a healthy body.
5. The vital importance of education cannot be underestimated.
1. It is vital to get enough sleep for good health. (保持良好的健康,充足的睡眠是至关重要的。)
2. The company's survival is vital to the local economy. (公司的生存对当地经济至关重要。)
3. He played a vital role in the team's victory. (他在球队的胜利中扮演了重要的角色。)
4. Fresh air and exercise are vital to our well-being. (新鲜空气和锻炼对我们的健康至关重要。)
5. The vitality of the city is evident in its bustling streets. (这座城市的活力在繁忙的街道上显而易见。)
6. The doctor checked the patient's vitals before starting the surgery. (医生在手术前检查了病人的生命体征。)
7. The vital point to remember is to stay calm in an emergency. (要记住的关键是在紧急情况下保持冷静。)
8. A vital ingredient for this recipe is fresh herbs. (这个食谱的关键成分是新鲜的香草。)
9. She gave me a vital piece of advice that helped me make the right decision. (她给了我一个关键性的建议,帮助我做出了正确的决定。)
10. The vitality test showed that the plant is still healthy and growing. (活力测试显示植物仍然健康并且在生长。)
11. The vital importance of this meeting cannot be underestimated. (这次会议的重要性不容小觑。)
12. The vital signs of the patient are stable after the surgery. (手术后,病人的生命体征稳定。)
13. The heart is one of the vital organs in the human body. (心脏是人体重要的器官之一。)
14. The vital stage of a butterfly's life is the transformation from a caterpillar to a butterfly. (蝴蝶生命周期的重要阶段是由毛虫变成蝴蝶。)
15. The vitality of the team was evident in their energetic performance on the field. (球队的活力在他们在场上充满活力的表现中显而易见。)
16. Good communication is vital for a successful relationship. (良好的沟通对于成功的关系至关重要。)
17. The vital information was missing from the report, causing confusion among the team members. (报告中缺少重要的信息,导致团队成员困惑。)
18. The vital role of teachers in shaping young minds cannot be underestimated. (教师在塑造年轻心灵方面的重要作用不容忽视。)
19. Regular exercise is vital in maintaining a healthy weight. (定期锻炼对于保持健康的体重至关重要。)
20. The vital point to remember is to always wear a seatbelt while driving. (要记住的关键是在驾驶时始终系好安全带。)